A pluralistic and harmonious society where everyone can contribute to well-being.
Minglo is a web3 open data ecosystem that empowers individual and social well-being through data ownership and control. Using blockchain technology and AI, it aims to elevate global well-being by preventing data silos and enabling data trading for liquidity. Minglo's approach embraces culture-specific well-being while striking a balance between universality and adaptability. Its goals include individual data ownership, data liquidity, treating data as a public good, and fostering a sustainable ecosystem with diverse stakeholders. The platform delivers cost-efficient yet effective well-being services, emphasizing the pluralistic nature of well-being and its social connections while creating potential for a new digital economy. The ecosystem's goals are as follows:

・Secure, scalable, and sustainable data-centric ecosystem for universal use.
・Smart AI-powered well-being solution for genuine user benefits.
・Affordable and fair voting system to ensure equal opportunities for all members.
・Intuitive and user-friendly data management for easy accessibility.
・Full interoperability with other web2 and web3 applications for better integration and network effects.
・Inclusive, culture-centered communities that enhance collaboration value.
・Positive cyclical system fostering social activities to improve well-being.

This whitepaper outlines our decentralized well-being ecosystem, incorporating data, AI services, and blockchain. It covers ownership, privacy, authenticity, interconnectivity, usability, and extensibility for each element and explores potential use cases.
Over the past decade, there has been a paradigm shift towards the integration of happiness and well-being within public and organizational policy strategies globally. Encouraged by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), virtually all its member states have embraced the mandate to annually gauge their citizenry's level of contentment. Concurrently, the European Union urges its member countries to emphasize well-being as a central pillar of policy formulation[1].

At the 76th World Health Assembly, World Health Organization (WHO) Member States concurred on the implementation of the "Global Framework for Integrating Well-being into Public Health Utilizing a Health Promotion Approach"[2]. The primary objective of this framework is to empower individuals to optimize their holistic health and well-being throughout their lifespan and across generations. This globally accepted framework proposes six strategic directions concentrating on universal health coverage, equitable economies, planetary preservation, social protection systems, enabling health through digital systems, and the evaluation and monitoring of well-being.

In essence, the aspiration for enhanced well-being is a universal phenomenon. Across the globe, augmenting personal well-being constitutes a critical aspect of societal interest, utilizing diverse methodologies.

As our living and working environments are continuously reshaped by the advent of high-speed internet connections, the proliferation of digital and virtual collaboration tools, and the widespread adoption of wearable devices, there's an emergent demand for a new generation of well-being services. These services, expected to navigate the multifaceted landscape of the digital era, require a multifaceted approach to circumvent the constraints of existing services. The optimal features of these forward-thinking services should include:

・Digital delivery of comprehensive well-being services encompassing all aspects of personal well-being, inclusive of human relationships.
・Distributing well-being service resources across multiple geographic locations for optimal reach and efficiency.
・Leveraging AI to deliver smart recommendations, informed by comprehensive medical and human behavioral insights.
・Facilitation of secure, unhindered information flow, including personal and sensitive data.
・Symbiosis between well-being services and other data-driven associated services.

Concurrently, recent studies[3][4][5] have demonstrated the efficacy of peer support in digital contexts, specifically for individuals recovering from mental health and substance use disorders. The lived experiences of such individuals form the core of this model, with reciprocal community support being a fundamental component. This approach is especially beneficial for marginalized groups. Younger populations worldwide, especially those in the Asia Pacific region, are experiencing disproportionate challenges with work-life balance and fatigue. Peer support from individuals with similar experiences is a powerful tool in helping the youth cope with these pressures, thus enhancing their overall well-being. As such, it is imperative that the forthcoming generation of well-being services incorporate peer support mechanisms to ensure equitable and universal reach, particularly for those most in need.
Web2's dominant economic models often focus solely on growing userbase and data to drive revenue and profit to the business and its investors while neglecting the rights and benefits of users. Existing well-being applications work well for generating corporate profit but are poorly suited for user incentivization or users' long-term well-being. On the other hand, while lacking protection for users' rights on data may give the service providers more venues to monetize or create new services, it causes distrust and regulatory noncompliance. Most applications do not empower you; instead, they keep you dependent by not helping you comprehend why you are doing what you are doing. This approach is unsustainable from both business and technology perspectives, as it is vulnerable to changes in legislation and user behaviors.

Furthermore, the existing well-being platforms often neglect the multifaceted dimensions of well-being, potentially limiting their capacity to deliver substantial value to wellness services. This deficiency is notably evident in Asia, a region defined by its unique cultural framework of interdependency, mutual cooperation, and collectivism, leading to the potential underperformance of these platforms. Any wellness solution will be ineffective for the Asian populace unless it thoroughly incorporates the region's distinct cultural and social dynamics, which play a pivotal role in shaping an individual's well-being in Asia [6].

Well-being is a context-specific construct, rooted in the local community's shared values and norms, rather than being universally applicable. These communal values stem from a shared understanding of what constitutes the public interest and what gives life its meaning within the framework of multifaceted, culturally complex relationships. To realize this nuanced understanding of well-being, it's imperative to create an ecosystem that not only acknowledges its universal aspects but also its adaptability, ensuring the inclusion of diverse experiences and perspectives. This approach establishes well-being as a pluralistic notion rather than a one-size-fits-all solution.

On the other hand, as well-being solutions often overlook aspects of data ownership and sovereignty, individuals' data is automatically controlled by corporations; thus, the use of personal data is circumscribed within a corporation's boundary instead of benefiting the greater public to fulfill its potential. Consequently, the current well-being platforms are limited in terms of user-oriented functionalities and technical capabilities to truly tackle well-being concerns and sustainably improve personal well-being aligned with changes in living and working environments. They also lack the ability to connect users and 3rd-party well-being services providers outside their networks or securely protect users against data loss or data privacy violations. This will not contribute to improving the holistic well-being of individuals. Therefore, in order to completely enhance people's well-being, we believe a platform to create a well-being ecosystem must be built up with these essential points in its well-being services:

・Well-being is pluralistic and local in nature, with differences in emotion, cognition, and value depending on culture, generation, and heredity.
・Interventions are more pluralistic depending on the context.
・Human relationships are an important dimension of well-being.
・Interconnection between different well-being or well-being-related services

Web3 offers substantial potential, yet it presents several challenges. Firstly, a meaningful synergy between computer sciences and well-being sciences is critical. Specifically, collaboration between software developers, health care and well-being service experts, wellness researchers, and individuals with lived experience is essential. Well-being services must be crafted to mirror the true nature of wellness in order to effectively address all wellness-related issues. While software developers build the systems, wellness experts facilitate evidence-based interventions and oversee system development to ensure ethical and accurate implementation. Wellness researchers contribute valuable insights from research and evaluate the relevance of different data types to wellness research. Furthermore, individuals with lived experiences are crucial to the creation of a peer-to-peer health advice platform on Web3, fostering digital self-help groups where experiences can be shared for mutual benefit. This design circumvents the limitations of current wellness services by ensuring the inclusion of plurality and social relationships.

Secondly, given that most current well-being services concentrate on addressing observable wellness problems, they often fail to adapt to environmental or personal changes impacting individuals' well-being.

Thirdly, web3 and blockchain technology do not inherently tackle structural barriers to inclusion, gender, or racial equity. Overcoming these hurdles necessitates clear guidelines and transparent processes to gain user trust in the web3 wellness space.

Finally, blockchain's potential to distribute economic benefits should be harnessed to motivate both users and wellness service providers. Incentives, such as tokens or digital assets, can be given to users, especially those with lived experiences, for their engagement and contributions. These incentives encourage users to share insights and feedback, improving the wellness platform's quality. Similarly, wellness providers can be rewarded based on their service quality and effectiveness, promoting constant improvement and excellence within the platform.

Addressing the inherent security issues associated with the centralized structure of Web2 requires the judicious selection of blockchain technologies to accommodate the unique needs of Web3 wellness services. These services require a blend of data sharing and transparency while maintaining strong privacy and data protection measures. Implementing Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and specialized authentication processes could potentially meet these requirements.
3.1 Solution Overview
Our market research shows that when data ownership and sovereignty are preserved, users willingly contribute various types of data in exchange for tokens representing their stake in the data's aggregated value and governing power.

Recognizing the correlations between well-being and individual work, life, and personal traits, we aim to collect data on personal characteristics and emotions. This comprehensive dataset enables accurate analysis of well-being, health, mental state, social relationships, and performance indicators, with potential for future advanced research. Furthermore, to truly unlock the full potential of data for the public good and facilitate interconnection, our well-being solution offers data-as-a-service through a trading marketplace. The marketplace allows data to be traded as a public good while preserving individual data ownership and sovereignty. This approach evaluates the true value of data and distributes benefits fairly to data owners and communities, returning data's economic and non-economic value to society. By connecting diverse data and services, we aim to play a vital role in realizing a pluralistic, harmonious society where everyone can contribute to well-being.

As data holds immense value for users and society, we believe users deserve compensation for the value their data contributes. They also deserve governance over how their data is used. Web2, while efficient in storing and processing data, lacks the underlying design to enforce effective data ownership and sovereignty. In contrast, web3, despite potential challenges in processing big data, is the only technology fully capable of enabling effective data trading with data ownership and sovereignty.

For these reasons, we amalgamate web2 and web3 technologies to build up our data platform to make this vision a reality. Our fully digital services ensure cost-efficiency and global accessibility, serving people worldwide. The platform's key features include:

・Seamless digital well-being service delivery by connecting users with service providers.
・Personalized well-being advice based on activities, medical history, and occupation.
・Encouraging mental health support through peer and community engagement.
・Prioritizing user privacy and data control for personal and health information.Incentives for peer support and data sharing with well-being providers.
3.2 Minglo’s Approach
Well-being depends on mutual communication, including empathy within oneself and with others. However, recent years have seen increased problems of fragmentation and isolation, evident in weakened social relations and growing political fragmentation and intolerance[7][8]. Social well-being improves not just through individual betterment but by connecting with diverse people and communities for positive interactions.

The global corporate wellness market was valued at USD 51.0 billion in 2021, expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.38% from 2022 to 2030[9]. However, most of its services are limited to "wellness" areas like health risk assessment, fitness, smoking cessation, health screenings, nutrition, weight management, and stress management.

In the initial stages, we focus on using data to enhance relationships in individuals' lives. As we progress, we expand to address the pluralistic nature of well-being[10] and its unique demands. Our services go beyond addressing existing issues; rather, they are designed to foster overall well-being, encompassing personal growth, self-acceptance, environmental mastery, positive relationships, self-determination, and a sense of purpose in life.
As previously mentioned, the market reveals that most well-being services face two key challenges: incomplete coverage of multi-aspects of well-being (well-being pluralistic) and compromised user data ownership due to technical limitations or explicit choices. Additionally, the siloed nature of these services hampers integration with external platforms, leading to data duplication and integrity issues, making the data unreliable or outdated for providing suitable well-being services.

Traditional centralized well-being services lack robust user data ownership assurance as data control remains with server administrators. On the other hand, existing web3 well-being applications struggle with usability due to a limited focus on human well-being research. To address these critical issues, our web3 system utilizes an existing public blockchain for data and privacy while incorporating reliable well-being research to develop AI services for personalized well-being improvements. The Minglo platform resolves six key elements:

1. Digital Identity: Provides a secure and private virtual representation of users, encompassing their personal, social, and well-being attributes.
2. Social Graph: Maps intricate social relationships between users, considering their impact on individual well-being.
3. Well-being Services: Utilizes in-house AI models and rich data to enhance users' well-being in a personalized and effective manner.
4. Data Exchange: Enables secure and controlled data transactions between parties, prioritizing privacy and consent.
5. Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for Data Management: Gives users collective control over their data, empowering informed decisions on usage and management.
6. Incentive Mechanism: Integrates incentives for well-being data generation, acknowledging its commercial value and contribution to enhancing well-being. Motivates users to actively participate and contribute to Minglo ecosystem.

When developing these above elements, we carefully contemplate six foundational design principles to ensure optimal user experience and data management

・ Ownership: Our design centers on clear data ownership and control. We've implemented mechanisms ensuring data access and manipulation are restricted to its rightful users, emphasizing authentic ownership.
・ Privacy: Beyond recognizing privacy as a fundamental right, we've established advanced safeguards to shield private data from unauthorized access and breaches.
・ Usability: Our focus is on both discerning beneficial services for user data and ensuring users can utilize their data in various contexts. We strive for a design where data serves multiple purposes for users.
・ Accountability: The system's trustworthiness is paramount. We bolster system credibility by facilitating thorough verification and auditability, maintaining high integrity and reliability levels.
・ Interconnectivity: Recognizing the value of external data, we've integrated essential external sources securely and seamlessly without undermining our core principles.
・ Extensibility: With the ever-evolving digital realm, our adaptive design ensures the system remains relevant amidst shifting regulations and market demands.
The Minglo platform represents a revolutionary integration of open-standard blockchain services and advanced AI technology, fostering a novel well-being economy. Within this ecosystem, users retain complete sovereignty over their data, which they can utilize to enhance personal well-being and monetize as they see fit. The platform comprises two critical components:

1. Decentralized Component: This component functions as the system's backbone, enforcing business rules and facilitating the processing, storage, ownership and transaction of data. It encapsulates smart contracts, AI services, social graph services, and data storage.
2. Client Component: The client component encompasses the Minglo super mobile app, designed to assist user interactions with the system and foster communication between users and the Minglo platform.
5.1 The Minglo Super App
The Minglo super app is a powerful, feature-rich mobile application, conceptualized around user well-being and data sovereignty. It provides users with an intuitive platform to engage in wellness activities, manage and monetize their data, all while enjoying the convenience and security offered by blockchain technology. Designed with the core intent to enhance transparency, it amalgamates AI services, gamification, tokenization, and cryptocurrency payments into a comprehensive user-centric platform as follows:

・ Tokenization for Data Ownership: The application's key distinguishing feature lies in its ability to assert data ownership and maintain privacy through tokenization. With this cutting-edge technique, Minglo ensures users possess absolute control over their personal and well-being data. It redefines data sovereignty, shifting the power back to the users, enabling them to govern their data and control who has access to it.
・Gamification: Aiming to make well-being services and data contribution more engaging, Minglo introduces gamification into its platform. It transforms mundane tasks into fun-filled activities, encouraging users to invest time and effort in improving their well-being. By integrating reward mechanisms, users can accrue points upon the completion of wellness challenges, which fosters sustained user engagement and incentivizes healthier behaviors.
・ Cryptocurrency Payments: Minglo supercharges the transactional aspect by integrating the utility token, $DATA. This utility token facilitates transactions within the app, enabling users to access various services. Each transaction rewards users, further promoting interaction and engagement within the app ecosystem.
・Notifications & Transparency: the super app is equipped with a robust push notification system that promptly alerts users about data usage inquiries from external entities. This feature enables users to track their data activities effectively and transparently. Minglo's staunch commitment to transparency is evident as it ensures that users are always well-informed about their data usage and can make informed decisions concerning their data.
5.2 Third-Party Apps within Minglo Super App
By incorporating into the expansive Minglo super app ecosystem, third-party applications can strategically harness the power of gamification to foster user engagement while also cultivating a sustainable revenue stream. Gamified elements, such as interactive surveys or quizzes, are instrumental in accumulating valuable data pertaining to user wellness and well-being. By offering enticing rewards, denoted in $DATA tokens, these apps can incentivize users to participate actively, contributing to the overall richness of the collected data.

Upon obtaining user consent, the extensive data collected can be leveraged as a valuable commercial resource for analytical or statistical applications. This not only fosters a consistent revenue stream for the third-party developers but also enhances the understanding of consumer habits and key indicators relating to well-being.

Moreover, the application can derive deeper insights into individual well-being, health or fitness by charging entry fees for participation in well-being challenges or competitive events. The fees generate immediate revenue and the data harvested can be used to refine the app's user-centric strategies.

Advertising also plays a pivotal role in this revenue model. With the wealth of user data and insights, ads can be tailored to individual preferences, optimizing their effectiveness and thus generating additional income.

Beyond these revenue streams, third-party applications can significantly bolster the efficiency and user experience of the Minglo platform. They can do this by offering value-added services, deploying advanced analytics, or personalizing features based on user data. These enhancements not only amplify user satisfaction and engagement but also indirectly contribute to the platform's revenue growth by retaining and attracting users.
5.3 The Minglo SDK
The Minglo Software Development Kit (SDK) is an all-encompassing toolset crafted to simplify the integration and development of decentralized and cryptocurrency functionalities within the Minglo super app's ecosystem. This SDK equips developers with a suite of tools and libraries that enable smooth integration of cryptocurrency-centric features provided by Minglo, including but not restricted to, wallet management, governance mechanisms, token staking and exchange, digital signature data tokenization, data ownership structures, and blockchain exploratory capabilities.

Moreover, the Minglo SDK is utilized to foster the evolution and integration of third-party applications within the Minglo ecosystem. This extends Minglo's services beyond its platform, empowering external developers to interface effortlessly with Minglo's multifaceted decentralized functionalities.

The key attributes of the Minglo SDK, serving as a catalyst for interoperability and innovation, include:

1. Data Ownership: The SDK provides the tools necessary to tokenize data, establishing unequivocal data ownership and access rights. This ensures users have full control over their data and can manage who accesses it, when, and under what conditions.
2. Data Monetization: The SDK supports the creation of data marketplaces where tokenized data can be securely and transparently bought, sold, or traded. This functionality provides a platform for users to monetize their personal data, unlocking new economic possibilities.
3. Governance: The SDK includes built-in support for creating and managing Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) within Minglo platform. These provide a democratic and transparent decision-making process for changes and improvements, empowering users with a stake in the governance of the platform.
4. Security and Privacy: Leverages the inherent security features of blockchain technology to secure data transactions and uphold user privacy. User authentication libraries within the SDK ensure robust and secure access control.
5. Interoperability: The SDK offers cross-chain compatibility to ensure interaction across different blockchain networks supporting Minglo platform.
6.1 Social Graph
Minglo enables the creation and management of global mapping of all users and how they are related using decentralized ledgers. This global mapping is commonly known as a social graph. Relationships are first-order primitives in the protocol, such as friends or followers, representing connections between users in a social graph. In Minglo, we define friend, family, colleague, and follower as the prime relationship types. These relationships represent connections between a user to other users; these social connections are part of personally identifiable information (PII) to identify a person. Each user can decide to make their relationship with a person public or private. Public relationships can be seen by anyone, while private relationships allow user control over who can view them.
6.2 ID-As-A-Service
In any application, users must be consistently identified before rendering their services and data. In web2 applications, users are identified by the unique information they provide, for example, username, email, or any ID document, not by their own PII. It makes the ID verification process interoperable and less effective, yet susceptible to malicious activities. To solve this problem, our identity is designed using PII to offer powerful interoperability opportunities becaus
en based on the owner's PII, the identity is system agnostic and genuinely represents a user digitally.

・ When based on the owner's PII, the identity is system agnostic and genuinely represents a user digitally.
・ Leveraging the blockchain's hash algorithm, personal data from PII is robustly safeguarded against both internal and external unauthorized access.
・ The identity is durable and recoverable because it's intrinsically linked to its owner through PII and social connections, in contrast to email addresses or identification documents (even those issued by governments), which can be misplaced or tampered with.

Given these attributes, we can seamlessly extend our identity and verification services to external parties, whether they operate on-chain or off-chain (inclusive of traditional web2 enterprises). These entities can authenticate or verify users without accessing their personal data, sidestepping the logistical and financial challenges of identity updates or replacements stemming from ID modifications or losses.
6.3 Enriched personal profile
When architecting the Minglo ecosystem, we trust that merging a user's on-chain and off-chain data will genuinely amplify the value of their identity, paving the way for tailored, data-driven services that fully cater to individual user requirements. This synthesis culminates in enriched user profiles, encompassing not only rudimentary details like name and age but also social interactions, inherent attributes, and the entirety of user activities. These enriched profiles empower users in two significant ways:

1. They can selectively share them with preferred service providers, optimizing their service experiences.
2. With the capabilities of web3, these detailed profiles are assembled with an uncompromised commitment to user privacy. Users retain the discretion to disclose specific data to applications, ensuring they're always in the driver's seat of their information, and can also earn $DATA tokens in the process.

The Minglo ecosystem is designed to aggregate data from different reliable centralized platforms such as Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and other public data repositories. This data, undergoes rigorous filtration and refinement for accuracy, transformed into organized formats, encrypted for security, and then stored as user-specific data tokens (DataNFT) through our advanced smart contracts. This procedure enables users to tap into their Web2 data while allowing them to craft unique, data-enriched identity profiles which are entirely within their ownership and control.
6.4 Data-As-A-Service
Aside from enriched user profiles, the Minglo platform can collect data from multiple sources to supply to our AI modeling to create more "insight data." This data represents the common behaviors of a group of users, for example, an age group, highlighting the notable distinctions between this group of people to the others. The insight data is also useful for organizations, regardless of their profiles, to understand the impacts of well-being on employee behavior and performance to improve their internal processes.

Using the insight data with enriched user profiles, Minglo can be a data-as-a-service platform to allow other organizations across industries – well-being providers, research and teaching institutions, analytical and market research firms, insurers, hospitals, government, and NGOs – to similar search for to find matching users for their requirements, exchanging their data for $DATA. Thereby, it becomes easy to crowdsource data for any number of use cases. Organizations can simply define the criteria for participants. Minglo will find users by our matching algorithm, notify them of the request, and return their data upon receipt and the required number of $DATA. Minglo ecosystem represents both a solution to the problem of interoperability in the well-being industry and the generation of an entirely new community, facilitating new connections, collaborations, and innovations and creating significant business opportunities while extending access to well-being and health services to everyone and ultimately minimizing the cost of its delivery.
6.5 Well-being and health services
Leveraging the combination of enriched user profiles and supplementary data, Minglo is positioned to provide wellness and health service providers with deep insights into their users. This understanding enables the crafting of personalized health services and activities to not only address a user's specific issues but also proactively enhance their overall well-being. As a result, it can ensure the effectiveness of well-being services on users’ well-being. We are confident that our robust technological capabilities can assist well-being/health service providers in supporting these use cases:

・ Provision of hyper-personalized services to users.
・ Facilitation of confidential communication between users and health service providers.Secure storage of all health treatments or utilized well-being services for retrospective access when necessary.
・ Instant rewarding of users engaged in any well-being activities.
・ Secure, consensual discovery of suitable candidates for clinical trials based on their medical history.
・ Efficient and secure methods for payment and reimbursement for healthcare services.
6.6 Empowered Employers-Employees services
Well-being and productivity are inherently intertwined, with a mounting recognition of the crucial role that employee well-being plays in fueling a company's capacity for innovation, competitiveness, investment attraction, and long-term organizational robustness. Evidence[11][12] suggests robust connections exist between employees’ well-being and performance and interactions within a professional environment. Worldwide, the instrumental role of labor unions and worker organizations in safeguarding, advocating for, and enhancing worker well-being is well-established.

Capitalizing on the social graph and well-being services, Minglo pioneers a more profound understanding between employers and employees regarding personal well-being and career trajectories, fostering a harmonious and resilient employer-employee relationship. Our AI-powered analytical offerings, incorporating trust, personality, and mutual understanding, provide employees with insights into their organizational relationships and deliver actionable improvement strategies for the workplace environment. Enhancing employee well-being and job satisfaction is integral to mitigating staff turnover and related costs while maximizing employee contributions and productivity.

On the other hand, employers can harness Minglo's data and AI models to develop their own employee services or evaluate and fortify existing programs and processes, such as performance management or employee retention. Minglo's value proposition is gauged by user data and engagement. We advocate for utilizing Minglo by empowering every user within the ecosystem to generate a direct network effect on the platform. Employers may also solicit employee consent to share data via the Minglo platform with third-party entities, engendering a secondary data marketplace when a party secures the rights to use data from multiple owners to disseminate to third-party services.
6.7 Tackling Data Divide Issue
A data divide exists where data ownership and access rights are unequally distributed among socioeconomic groups. This can result in a power disparity where particular individuals, organizations, and countries assume a dominant role, potentially leading to the misuse of personal data and amplifying economic, social, and political inequities. Within the healthcare sector, the data divide can manifest in a lack of equitable access to vital services and innovative solutions for certain groups. Factors such as income inequality, geographic location, or a deficiency in digital literacy could contribute to this disparity, culminating in imbalanced health outcomes. Furthermore, in the governance context, the data divide could lead to a lack of appropriate representation for certain demographics in decision-making processes. Specific groups may be marginalized or wholly excluded, resulting in governance structures and policies that do not consider the needs and challenges of all members.
Minglo’s blockchain solution can be able to tackle this data divide issue. With its decentralized, transparent, and secure nature, blockchain can provide a platform for equitable data access and ownership. The decentralization removes the control from a single dominant entity, thus eliminating the power disparity. Its transparency ensures all participants have equal access to the information on the blockchain, potentially reducing information asymmetry. Additionally, its immutable and secure nature can prevent the misuse of personal data.
6.8 Improving Mental Health
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology present promising solutions for addressing the persistent global mental health crisis, affecting approximately 970 million people worldwide. AI's predictive and personalization capabilities can revolutionize mental health care by enabling early detection, timely intervention, and bespoke treatment plans. AI can also support continuous patient monitoring and round-the-clock assistance through chatbots and virtual therapists.

Concurrently, blockchain technology can alleviate concerns over data privacy, access to medical records, and patient consent in mental health care. Its secure, transparent, and decentralized attributes can create a secure platform for handling sensitive health records, while empowering patients with control over their data.

In essence, the amalgamation of AI and blockchain technology in Minglo can lead to a more proactive, personalized, and patient-centric approach to mental health care. Yet, it is paramount to ensure their deployment adheres to stringent ethical considerations, particularly concerning data privacy and preserving the human touch in care delivery.
6.9 Dealing with Loneliness
Loneliness, a pervasive human experience, spans across a wide demographic range. It's estimated that 80% of individuals under 18 and 40% of adults aged 65 and older experience periods of isolation[13][14][15]. Importantly, research[16] has demonstrated a correlation between loneliness and an elevated incidence of personality disorders, psychosis, suicide, cognitive decline, and depressive symptoms. Given these facts, fostering social connections becomes critical in promoting overall health and mitigating the adverse effects of loneliness.

Minglo, with its strategic placement and integrated technology platform, is poised to counter the issue of loneliness effectively. By harnessing its technological capabilities, Minglo aims to cultivate substantive social connections, thereby substantially enhancing the well-being quotient of its users.
6.10 Smart Cities
Minglo offers a unique fusion of identity services, notifications, and private data management that can streamline the digitization of city services and resident communications. This cutting-edge integration cultivates an environment centered around the residents while simultaneously laying the groundwork for a digital infrastructure that government bodies, commercial entities, and the general populace can seamlessly employ.

The diverse capabilities of Minglo's services, aimed at supporting a Smart City infrastructure, encompass:

1. Robust Identity Authentication: Minglo offers residents the ability to securely authenticate their identities for accessing public services via multiple channels - online, in-person, or via telephone.
2. Secure Digital Document Storage: Minglo provides residents the capability to store and present personal documents, inclusive of government-issued identifications, in a secure, digital format.
3. Secure, Verifiable Messaging: Minglo facilitates seamless communication between the city and its residents through the use of secure, verifiable messaging channels.
4. Consensual Data Collection: Minglo supports consensual and automated data collection from residents for a myriad of purposes, including regulation, taxation, or statistical analysis.
5. Efficient Distribution of Benefits: Minglo aids in the effective dispersion of social benefits, relief funds, or payments to qualifying residents based on pre-established criteria. Additionally, it allows residents to make secure and traceable payments to the city.
In the Minglo platform, as users own the data and engage with others for data exchange and usage, each user must be consistently identified by a unique, irrevocable identification. Each identification is created as a digital identity which can be used to enforce ownership and data validation. The digital identity consists of personally identifiable information of the user, including the owner's social connections; it is private, user-owned, and pseudonymous. These properties are essential to the user's overall control of their identity. Each identity is managed by a Soulbound NFT smart contract that includes the interface for interaction with the user's data, standardizing both how users can share their data with others and how they can delegate certain rights to others to act on their behalf.
7.1 The Soulbound NFT smart contract for digital identity: DataID
As every person on earth is unique, we treat each person as a "non-fungible" human. The DataID encodes real personal (including traits and features) data that make up a person or entity to create a unique, non-transferable token assigned to that person in the system for validation purposes. The tokens' non-transferability enables them to track information that is distinctive to a person or entity and cannot be effectively tracked via NFTs. The tokens are generated by the users participating in the system and are used throughout all the processes controlled by the system. We call this smart contract DataID; each DataID token is a digital identity representing an actual human.
7.2 Data rights management contract
When solving the right management using smart contracts, the most common approach is to employ a single smart contract to define and manage ownership rights for all users (identities). While this approach works for simple use cases, it is not suitable for an evolving system or a system that offers sophisticated right settings to support many use cases. Even if the contract is upgradable, it is impossible to change the contract to apply a change in the right settings due to the smart contract's storage immutability and the cap in terms of smart contract size. Besides, using a single contract approach will expose users and the system to the risk of centralization as the responsibilities to upgrade and maintain that smart contract will lie on specific parties. The most sustainable approach should be to use multiple smart contracts to handle the right settings. In this approach, each user will fully own and control the contract holding his/her right settings; they can choose to connect or disconnect the contract to the Minglo ecosystem whenever they want. The upgrading will also be straightforward as users can start to upgrade it at their discretion.

To support this approach, we will maintain:

a. A standardized data rights management smart contract's interface: to define a standard of how a user's data rights management smart contract can interact with the system, similar to the purpose of the ERC-20 token standard. From that, users can develop their own contract or use the recommended contract as motioned in (b).

b. A recommended data rights management smart contract implementation: to implement the interface (a) to be shared with all users to facilitate mass adoption. We will ensure this contract is well documented and audited by an external security party before being shared with users.

When creating a unified, standardized interface for users’ data rights management, we can achieve these goals:

・ Enable users' full ownership and control over data. Users can always revert to any previous contract logic or use their own contract (via (a)) if there is any question of contract integrity.
・ Empower the ownership right controls to be evolved together with the evolvement and expansion of Minglo.
・ Enhance smart contracts’ security by utilizing community intelligence as every user will vest through the interface (a) and contract (b) before adoption.
・ Allow interconnection and collaboration with other third parties as they can participate in creating a contract conforming to the data rights management smart contract interface.
・ Extend the usability of Minglo; we imagine other service providers, when offering their services via our platform, may desire to control data using a different set of rules than the default implementation (b).
・ Remove the admin and maintenance costs relating to deploying and operating smart contracts, as we only need to focus on the interface (a) and the recommended smart contracts (b).
7.3 Right delegation
The DataID contract allows the Id owners to delegate limited rights to third parties via the data rights management contract to act on their behalf. This ability is accomplished by using the data wallet to generate digital signatures created by the user's digital id. The signature will include the rights granted to a specific party, via its address, for a specified period. All granted permissions can be revoked at any time at the user's discretion. The rights granting and revoking are operations defined in the data rights management contract's interface.

The delegation of rights never removes the user's ownership of their digital ID. The granted rights limit the grantee to specific actions but disallow them to be able to escalate their actions to control the user's ownership.

Furthermore, rights delegation enables the opportunities for value-added services to help users to manage data efficiently or/and save transaction costs:

・ Transaction cost saving: since blockchain networks impose processing costs for each transaction (or action). By allowing a third party to invoke actions on behalf of a user via that user's smart contract, the user may benefit from the 3rd party's payment of the transaction fee associated with the invocation. The 3rd party may build up a bundle transaction mechanism to save cost for each transaction, thus providing a saving for users or allowing users to pay with the tokens of their choice. For example, in the Ethereum network, users do not need to buy ether to pay for transactions. Instead, they can use the $DATA issued by the Minglo platform for the payment.

・ Enable more usability: since users can grant rights to use their data to third parties, they can allow other service providers to use their data to render new services for themselves or other users or generate new data. The users also can collect a fee from the service providers for rights granting. One example is users let dietary services use data to create a diet plan.
7.4 Identity and Right Validation
The digital identity, when created, will be associated with the owner's choice of address and stored in the owner's data wallet. It encapsulates all the rights and controls of the owner via the owner's data rights management contract. When the owner grants 3rd parties to use their data, he/she will use their digital identity to create a digital signature to authorize the right delegation and add that party to his/her authorized list. All smart contract invocations within the Minglo platform will validate the digital id to ensure is associated address is:

・ The owner; or
・ A party in the authorized list of the owner.

As transactions can be tracked by the caller's address associated with each transaction, each action taken by an authorized third party can be traced back to the delegate, verifying the invoker's identity. Delegates who engage in unauthorized activity can be identified and their permissions revoked. The owner can refute actions previously taken by the abusing party.
8.1 $DATA
The $DATA Token, compliant with the universally accepted ERC20 utility token standards, operates as the central currency in the Minglo platform, thereby driving its diverse transactional processes. The $DATA token's key roles within the Minglo ecosystem encompass:

・ Facilitation of Transaction Fees: it is used to cover the costs of transactions conducted within the platform.
・ Data Acquisition: The $DATA token allows the purchase of data (DataNFT) or data usage rights directly from the data owners, ensuring fair compensation.
・ Service Usage Settlement: it serves as a means of payment to service providers in exchange for their offered services.
・ Data Creation Rewards: users are incentivized through $DATA tokens for their contributions to data creation.
・ Staking Activities: the $DATA token enables staking and the generation of corresponding rewards for well-being reports, promoting user engagement.
・ Grant Provision: it can also be used to provide grants to stakeholders, thus encouraging active participation and fostering the growth of the wellness ecosystem.

The monetary value of $DATA primarily emanates from the demand for services within the Minglo platform. To promote active usage of the Minglo platform, we strive to enhance the accessibility of $DATA tokens. Our primary strategies include:

・ Direct Sale: early adopters will have the opportunity to directly purchase $DATA tokens, providing them a head start in leveraging the platform's capabilities.
・Exchange Listing: to enhance accessibility, $DATA will be listed on leading cryptocurrency exchanges within Minglo's key markets.
・Reward Distribution: in a bid to drive user engagement, we will distribute $DATA tokens as rewards to active Minglo platform users, thereby incentivizing participation.
8.2 $MGL
Augmenting the foundational ERC20 token standard and incorporating additional features to support both voting and staking mechanisms, the $MGL token serves as a pivotal governance tool within the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) of the Minglo ecosystem whilst maintaining full compatibility with the ERC20 standard. The DAO is entrusted with the key task of maintaining and fostering the continuous evolution of the Minglo platform. Acting as an indispensable governance tool, the $MGL token performs several important tasks:

・ It finances the expenses related to the platform's implementation and operation through the voting process.
・ It serves as the medium for disbursing rewards, recognizing and incentivizing active engagement in voting activities.
・ It facilitates the delegation of voting rights, fostering extensive community participation, thereby promoting inclusivity and progressive advancement of the platform.
・ It enables the assignment of weight to well-being reports, thereby influencing their relative importance within the system.
・ It ensures Minglo's sustainability and the equitable distribution of resources, further reinforcing the democratic ethos of the platform.
8.3 DataNFT
DataNFTs, within the Minglo platform, represent the granular units of data, encapsulating a unique portion of the owner's personal data. These tokens house metadata related to the data asset, a hash of the asset's content, and an open-ended key value for custom fields, signifying its individuality and ownership.

DataID owners are empowered to contribute their personal data to the system by uploading their information to Minglo's secure data storage, from where they can mint their unique DataNFTs. To safeguard its authenticity, Minglo validates each minting request, ensuring the uniqueness of the newly created data asset. Each minted DataNFT token is explicitly linked to the DataID, thereby establishing a clear line of ownership and data sovereignty, and conferring upon the data owner absolute control over their respective DataNFTs (via DataID).

Differing from the non-tradeable DataID, DataNFTs carry the characteristic of transferability, enabling owners to commercially exploit their data or provision temporary access to their information. This allows for data monetization while preserving data sovereignty. Importantly, data owners also retain the right to delete their data from the system, further enhancing control over their personal information.

Compliant with the ERC-1155 token standards, DataNFTs ensure optimal interoperability with web3 wallets, thus facilitating efficient data transactions and fostering mass adoption. By adhering to this universally recognized standards, DataNFTs effortlessly integrate into the broader web3 ecosystem, smoothing the path for users to engage with and capitalize on their digital assets.
8.4 Data Wallet
Minglo Data Wallets is an advanced web3 application designed to enable the custody and management of a variety of assets, specifically DataID, $DATA, $MGL, and DataNFTs. The application provides each user with a distinct, segregated instance of the Data Wallet, thus enabling individuals to access and manage their respective tokens effectively. It employs a non-custodial design, ensuring user wallets are independently compartmentalized, effectively negating the possibility of unauthorized access to another user's wallet.

In our context, data custody is the process of maintaining access to specified data, effectively allowing users to retain and utilize their DataID, $DATA, $MGL, and DataNFTs through their individual wallets. Concurrently, data management incorporates the facilitation of access rights to data, including sharing, revoking, or removing access. Specifically, for Minglo, it implies the ability to transfer or delegate token ownership securely between different wallets. Therefore, the Minglo Data Wallets are instrumental in fulfilling these primary functions:

1. Deliver a secure user interface for viewing and handling digital assets, whether issued by our system or transferred to the Minglo Data Wallet.
2. Provide a visual representation of assets and the interrelationships between DataNFT tokens.
3. Enable the transfer of tokens (except DataID) from one wallet to another, with flexible transaction payment methods applicable.
4. Offer real-time updates and notifications about changes to users' digital assets, including price fluctuations, facilitating timely decision-making.
5. Allow users to grant other users temporary access to their tokens, with the option to rescind this access and collect a subsequent fee.
6. Ensure cross-chain compatibility, allowing users to manage assets and transactions across popular chains.
7. Facilitate in-wallet staking and governance, enabling users to participate in governance processes using $MGL or report creation processes using $DATA.
8. Support social recovery option by leveraging the Minglo social graph and trust scores. This enables users to verify their wallet ownership via their network of trusted friends or direct connections.

To expedite widespread adoption and assure interoperability, our system, in addition to the Minglo Data Wallet, extends support to public (3rd party) data wallets. This allows users of popular web3 wallets to interface with our smart contracts, access the balances of tokens they possess, and perform basic minting or transferring transactions.

By providing support for both public data wallets and in-house data wallets, we are also strategically positioned to expedite the launch of our product. This approach affords us the flexibility to develop the in-house wallet at a later stage.
Since Minglo's operations require a large amount of data while demanding full data ownership, we use both on-chain and off-chain data storage:
・ Off-chain data, centralized storage: to store the full version of data, all the data is encrypted at rest and in transit. The off-chain data will be stored in secure, scalable, and highly available cloud services which directly integrated with the DAOs' smart contracts to facilitate data access.
・ On-chain data, decentralized storage: to store a hashed version of each off-chain data to create DataNFTs and to be used for verification purposes. As the on-chain storage is much more expensive than off-chain data storage, we aim to optimize the data that can be stored on-chain; it will be limited to data that can be used to verify users’ identities and data integrity.

Although off-chain data storage offers the ability to store data at a much lower cost than on-chain and provide a better performance, it comes with an inherent risk of data loss due to a centralized model. When the host entity shuts down, the data files are lost forever. Imagine if Amazon were to go bankrupt and turn off all its data centers. All the data stored on their servers would be inaccessible. In this scenario, the links stored within the DataNFT smart contract to the full data would point to nothing; the DataNFT token cannot recover the whole data. The best practice to resolve this problem is to employ multiple off-chain data storages in different geographical locations. However, when data is stored in multiple locations to reduce the risk of data loss, off-chain data storage is often susceptible to the problem of uniform response times from multiple independent data storage services. In this case, the response times from different data storages are different and may cause a problem in synchronizing users’ activity, for example, in a voting process.

The only solution to fully, uniformly, and securely control access to off-chain data storages and mitigate all of the issues mentioned earlier is to create a network of storage and server resources that is designed to provide the required security and accessibility for Minglo. Each time a data object is accessed, it must be verified using stored hash values proving.

That it is the same object as the one that was stored initially, each piece of data should be stored in more than one geo-location to make sure that the loss of one data storage does not result in significant data loss as long as the data storage in a geo-location is unavailable. Also, once new data or a new transaction is created, a mechanism to synchronize the off-chain reference, encryption, and rebalance the off-chain data must be executed. The data stored in off-chain services work in conjunction with the on-chain data: it is retrieved and sent to users whenever users pass the on-chain verification process (using on-chain data).

For long-term solutions, we will keep exploring new and cost-effective decentralized data storage to gradually reduce the reliance on centralized storage. It will help to safeguard the integrity of data since on-chain data cannot be altered once it is verified and added to the network. The inclusion of more data on-chain also helps enhance the identity verification and recovery processes in which people can prove their identity directly on-chain and securely verified by all the nodes.
10.1 Data as an Asset Generation
Each piece of data (information) collected by the system is stored in DataNFT; the design of DataNFT enforces it belongs to one owner at a time. Ownership is managed through the DataID and the token's metadata that no other token can replicate. NFTs are minted through smart contracts that assign ownership and manage the transferability of the NFTs. When someone creates or mints an NFT, they execute DataNFT smart contract. This information is added to the blockchain where the NFT is being managed. The minting process, from a high level, has the following steps that it goes through:

1. Creating a new block
2. Validating information of DataID of the owner (the requestor)
3.Validating information of the submitted token's metadata to ensure no existing DataNFT has the same metadata. The metadata includes:
3a.The hashed of personal details of the person who the data attributes.The hashed of personal details of the person who the data attributes
3b.The data itself, including the date and time when the data is created (in real life)
4. Recording information into the blockchain and issuing the DataNFT to the owner.

Besides, although, for some scenarios, fractional ownership (a piece that belongs to more than one user) is possible, we try to avoid that by dividing it into smaller units until each of them belongs to only one user before the data is minted as a DataNFT. By doing this, we can gain these benefits:

・ It is easier to verify the ownership.
・ It is auditable as we can validate token data and trace it back to its origin.
・ It is straightforward for people to trade the token within our system.

When a person acquires data, depending on the acquisition, new ownership will be assigned to the buyer, or a lease term will be setup on-chain:

・ If the buyer buys the data outright: the DataNFT contract will trigger a call to change the ownership linked to that data token to the new owner (the buyer's Data ID)
・ If the buyer purchases the data for a limited period: the DDEX contract will set up a fixed-period usage contract with the data rights management smart contract and DataNFT to allow the buyer to have exclusive use of the purchased token within a predefined period while its associated ownership still remains the same.

It is possible to support the use case when the buyer purchases the right to use the token indefinitely via the data rights management contract. However, this use case is insignificant right now. We only consider it when there is a strong demand from customers for it.
10.2 The Decentralized Data Exchange
The Decentralized Data Exchange (DDEX): a web3 trading platform that connects users, data sellers, and data buyers and denominates the value of data. It is integrated with the data wallets and connects all the smart contracts in our system to allow users to buy, sell and transact data. As our system is data-centric, its value is determined by the flow of data: the more freely the flow of data moves, the more services can be created and the greater value the platform becomes. The DDEX aims to ensure the flow of data can move freely as much as possible by:

・ Promote transparent pricing and listing.
・ Enhance the visibility of the bidding process.
・ Ensure trading fulfillment.
・ Improve the flexibility in the usage of data.

When a purchase deal is completed, Minglo will invoke a smart contract call to DDEX (via DDEX client) to settle the deal: buyers will receive the purchased DataNFT tokens, while the seller will get the price of the sold tokens minus the fee paid to Minglo. The DDEX is integrated with users' Data Wallet to custody or manage their tokens. More specifically, the DDEX has the following features:

・ Allow token owners to list, set prices, and sell their tokens.
・ Allow buyers to view the listings, bid, and purchase tokens.Validate users' balance and ensure transaction fulfillment.
・ Match buyers’ and sellers’ orders.
・ Draw liquidity from other chains so that users can use other currencies to buy our tokens.
・ Allow withdrawal of all the funds to other wallets.
・ Store trading history and usage records.
・Provide graphs and analytical reports of tokens trading in the platform

Furthermore, we will allow trading of external data as well as data generated by our platform. The DDEX will be able to connect our system to the other systems on the same blockchain network or in the network to generate more data and create more values. Therefore, the DDEX will have the following characteristics:

・ Interoperability: the DDEX connects to external smart contracts so users can use other cryptocurrencies to buy the $DATA token. Furthermore, users can also port data from other smart contacts or networks to the system.
・ Decentralized: no centralized organization/middlemen to control the trading of DataNFTs and $DATA; thus, no single point of failure.
・ Non-custodial: users maintain their ownership directly of the tokens via their Data Wallets. No one can have access to that wallet except the users.
・ Buy & sell private data while preserving privacy: the data on-chain is hashed to protect its content, while the full data is encrypted off-chain. Once the purchasing is completed, the hashed data will link to the new owner's DataID. Using that, the new owner can decrypt his/her purchased data.
・ Provenance: all data are validated and traceable to their origins.
・ Flexible fee structures: we allow fees can be adjusted based on different data types and the volume of transacted data. Besides, the marketplace allows its DAO to collect a small transaction fee based on the transaction value.

The conceptual diagram to show how the DDEX work is as follows:
11.1 Governance System
Traditional organizational forms such as corporations and businesses have obvious shortcomings in achieving the standards of inclusivity, decentralization and transparency that we envision for the Minglo. It is for that reason that the organizational form we will create to govern this ecosystem is the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).

Minglo will leverage the transparency, immutability, and automation of blockchain technology to make collective decisions on behalf of the Minglo community. Minglo DAO will use a unicameral representative model supported by several smart contracts that will control different elements of the governance system. (See Governance Diagram 2 for the set of smart contracts and how they interact with one another.)

Governing through a DAO enables Minglo to:

・ Leverage blockchain technology to make transparent, immutable and highly automated decisions.
・ Facilitate the decentralization of ecosystem decision-making to token holders in the future.
・ Facilitate scalability of decision-making across the entire Minglo ecosystem.
・ Empower Minglo users to govern how their data is used.
・ Use smart contracts to eliminate the influence of corruptible actors on Minglo.
・ Like any other organizational form, the DAO will have different decision-makers across different stages of maturity. To start, the DAO decision-making power will be centralized in individuals chosen by early core members in the Minglo.
Governance Diagram 1
The centralization of the initial stages addresses the need to protect the vision of the project and its technical execution until Minglo is sustainable enough to be managed in a decentralized manner.

The DAO - at a mature, decentralized, and entirely self-determined stage - will be the sole governing body of Minglo.

To understand the Minglo governance system, we must address its main stakeholders and elements, as displayed in Governance Diagrams 2 and 3.
Governance Diagram 2
Governance Diagram 3
The numbering indicated in the diagram corresponds to the order of the content of the following sections of the white paper.Links to the diagram will be included in each section.
11.1.1 Governor Bravo Contract
To achieve the standards of decentralization, transparency and democracy that we envision for the governance of the Minglo ecosystem, we will use a blockchain-based governance framework called Governor Bravo. It is a piece of software originally created to automate a governance framework for DAOs in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) world, but over time it has become the standard for governance among DAOs.

Governor Bravo enables us to create, vote and execute - or cancel - governance proposals on the blockchain. Governance Diagram 3 shows how these functions relate within Governor Bravo.
Governance Diagram 4
We chose Governor Bravo because:
・ It is simple: the Governor Bravo code architecture is simple, making it a perfect building block for governance of a system that will evolve over time.
・ It is decentralized: as a smart contract running on the Ethereum network, it is resistant to censorship. This allows Minglo to achieve legitimate decentralization when ready.
・ It can be modified: Governor Bravo’s parameters can be modified to support Minglo’s different stages of maturity and decentralization over time.
11.1.2 Token Holders ($MGL)
The on-chain governance system powered by the Governor Bravo smart contract will calculate voters’ decision-making power. The $MGL token will be used to decentralize decision-making in the Minglo ecosystem.

Those who hold $MGL will have decision-making power within  Minglo DAO relative to the amount of $MGL they hold. Token holders may participate in the governance of the ecosystem by delegating their tokens to a member of the delegate body when such a body is established. In the meantime, the effective authority to make governance decisions will be solely in the hands of the initial Council.
11.1.3 Authority to make decisions
Council System To Start Minglo
Our DAO will start operations under the direction of a Council selected by early core members. The Council will exercise all decision-making power until the Minglo ecosystem is economically self-sustainable and meets the other conditions that the Council feels are necessary before moving to a delegation system that allows token holders to choose representatives to exercise governance power on their behalf.

The initial Council mentioned above will be selected by early core members.

After the initial Council is formed, new members may only be added if invited by at least one Council member and approved by a vote. In addition, new Council members will be required to deposit a predefined amount of $MGL tokens as a way to insure their behavior, commitment, and intentions for joining the initial Council.

The Council is responsible for the following tasks
・ To conduct vesting and voting.
・ To accept new Council members.
・ To discuss and make a business direction for the Minglo ecosystem.
・ To propose new changes in terms of the Minglo ecosystem features, security, and functionality and debate the implications of proposed changes.

Having a centralized Council at the start will make the decision-making process faster and more secure. The Council will govern Minglo until the conditions are right to decentralize the governance power to delegates elected by token holders.
Delegation System To Be Implemented When the Time Is Right
When the delegate system is implemented and the first cohort of delegates is elected, the initial Council will cease to exist, and all decision-making power will be transferred to the delegate body.

Having a delegation system allows us to mitigate two common tokenized governance problems in DAOs:

1. Voter apathy
2. Hostile voting by bad actors

To mitigate problems such as collusion, the principal-agent problem, and/or delegates ceasing to represent the interests of the DAO, it is essential that stakeholders can redelegate their votes at any time, including during discussion and voting processes on proposals. To carry decision-making power in Minglo governance, $MGL must be both delegated and staked in a smart contract. Note: There is a section about staking $MGL below.

In the same regard, our delegation system will help Minglo maintain transparency and security in the DAO’s governance processes:

・ Delegation periods: Elected delegates shall remain in office unless they need to leave office by force majeure, by the resignation of the delegate, or by the expulsion of the delegate due to malicious behavior.
・ Delegate eligibility: The Minglo decision-making requires high levels of commitment, context, and expertise, which are reflected in the requirements to become a DAO delegate:

 1. Relevant knowledge in crucial decision-making areas
 2. Identity verification
 3. Sign delegate commitment agreement
 4. Have contributed to the Minglo ecosystem in some sustained way

Aspiring delegates will need to submit an application and be validated by Minglo before they will be able to create a delegate profile. Once they have been approved and published their profile, token holders can access the delegate's profile and delegate their votes.

Delegates will be limited in the number of tokens that can be delegated to them to exercise decision-making power. This limit will be 5% of the amount of $MGL in circulation.

・ Committees: The delegation system will create groups of delegates with specific expertise to vote on decisions that require significant contextual awareness. These groups will function as committees that will allow the DAO to make informed decisions, whether on updates to the protocol or the commercialization of Minglo data.
・ Scope of power of delegates: Delegates may only act within limits set out in their commitment agreement. In general, delegates may not propose or approve proposals that would infringe on the resources or integrity of the ecosystem or go against the mission and vision of Minglo. Delegates will not have the power to interfere directly with the operation of the Minglo protocol, apps, or other digital infrastructure.
11.1.4 Guardian
The Governor Bravo V2 smart contract has a security component called Guardian. With this functionality, a specific Ethereum address can obtain the role of Guardian and thus gain the power to cancel any proposal that has not yet been executed.

In the early stages of the project, the Guardian role will be filled by exsisting core members-controlled Ethereum address, and when the delegate body is activated, the guardian role should be passed to a community-owned multi-signature smart contract. The role of the DAO's guardian may not be filled by delegates or people associated with any of the delegates of the DAO. Exsisting core members will have veto power over the selection of the guardian.

The DAO guardian will have an assigned compensation to incentivize the timely fulfillment of the responsibilities associated with this role.
11.1.5 Staking Contract
To make the decision-making power of delegated tokens effective, token holders must stake $MGL in a smart contract controlled by the DAO.

$MGL staking increases the commitment and accountability of those involved in Minglo decision-making to achieve favorable outcomes for the entire system.

Staking incentivizes stakeholders to remain aligned with the best interests of Minglo, as they risk losing part of their holdings as a result of supporting proposals that fail due to bad intentions or lack of interest. The next section explains this mechanism in detail.
11.1.6 Rewards and Penalties Contract
In order to achieve the best possible behaviors in the governance of the DAO, it is necessary to have a system of rewards and penalties. This will enable the community to align many diverse voters’ decisions to promote the best interests of the entire Minglo ecosystem.

Our incentive system will make use of a smart contract to automate the distribution of rewards and penalties.

Our governance incentives system pursues the following objectives:

・ Maintain high levels of participation in governance proposal votes.
・ Incentivize timely execution of governance proposals.
・ Elevate governance proposals that promote the health of the Minglo ecosystem.
・ Protect the Minglo ecosystem from malicious actors trying to interfere with DAO governance.

The incentive system consists of three components, the fee, the reward, and the penalty.

To create an on-chain proposal, authors must allocate an amount of $MGL tokens as a fee. The proposal fee will go to the DAO treasury.

The purpose of this fee is to prevent the proposal pipeline from being filled with spam and irrelevant or malicious proposals.

$MGL token holders can receive rewards for:

・ Voting for an approved proposal
・ Voting against a rejected or malicious proposal
・ Queuing a proposal after it is approved
・ Executing a proposal
11.1.7 Timelock Module
Governor Bravo V2 also has an optional module that prevents proposals from being executed immediately after approval. Our DAO will employ the timelock module to create a delay of 5 days, sufficient time to give notice and opportunity to delegates, stakeholders, and the DAO guardian to review the proposal and verify that there are no erroneous or malicious elements in it.
11.2 Decision-making in the DAO
11.2.1 Governance proposals
In Minglo, there will be four types of governance proposals depending on the subject matter.

・ Development governance proposals: Development proposals will be used in two ways: 1) to commission the production of a change, update, or new development of the protocol or apps or 2) to approve the implementation of the commissioned work or a change to an existing system parameter such as policy changes like token emission rates, governance rewards and penalties, etc.
・ Data-related governance proposals: This category of proposals will consist of commercial decisions (purchase, sale, prohibition of purchase and sale, etc.) to be approved or rejected by the community.
・ Emergency governance proposal: This type of proposal can only be proposed by the initial council and will be used to mitigate imminent risks such as
1. Zero-day attacks
2. Imminent financial risks
3. Other imminent threats
The conditions under which such governance proposals will be valid will be developed and published by the initial Minglo council.
・DAO take-rate proposal: This type of proposal is specific to modify the DAO take-rate and will not be valid for any other type of decision. These proposals are executed quickly and do not require queuing or holding time in timelock. They can only be valid with a quorum of 75% and a pass rate of 90%.
11.2.2 Consensus
To maintain a high level of consensus in our decision-making process, we will use three configurable parameters of our governance smart contracts:

・ Proposal threshold: The proposal threshold is the effective voting power a delegate must have to create a governance proposal and keep it valid before its execution. The proposal threshold will be measured as a fixed percentage of the initial $MGL supply. To adjust the proposal threshold as the $MGL issuance schedule progresses, the initial governance board will communicate with all ecosystem participants to set a new proposal threshold.
Assumed percentage for proposal threshold: 0.5% of the initial $MGL supply for all proposals.
・ Quorum threshold: The quorum threshold is the minimum percentage of total votes required to be cast in relation to a proposal. The quorum is measured as a percentage of the total votable $MGL supply. "Votable supply" is the total amount of $MGL that has been delegated, staked and can participate in voting. The quorum threshold is a dynamic element that can be adjusted depending on the importance of what is being voted on.
Assumedpercentage: 75% for DAO take-rate proposals - 50% for development proposals - 30% for data proposals.
・Pass rate or approval/rejection threshold: The minimum number of total votes required to be cast in favor of approving a proposal. The approval threshold for each proposal is measured as the percentage of ‘approve’ votes cast relative to the total number of votes cast.
Assumed percentage: 90% for DAO take-rate proposals - 75% for development proposals and emergency proposals - 60% for data proposals.
11.3 Governance Processes
11.3.1 Discussion
Governance Diagram 6 shows the discussion part of the Minglo governance process.
In the first stage, a member of the Council or a delegate has an idea that they want to turn into a topic of discussion to let other stakeholders decide whether it is worth pursuing. The author of the idea has to write a summary of the idea and publish it to their peers.
When the author of the idea publishes it, it marks the beginning of the discussion stage. If the temperature check of the idea is positive, the idea becomes a more formal proposal. Different topics will follow different proposal formats.
When the proposal has been formalized, it will receive feedback from the delegates. The proposal will only advance to formal review when there is no further feedback from the delegates. The initial feedback period will be two days to give delegates in different time zones the opportunity to participate equally in the process.
The final proposal is created and published in the appropriate channels when all feedback has been addressed. This starts the formal review.
During the formal review, delegates with the appropriate expertise and context will review the proposal to determine its viability. If it is not viable, the author must reformulate the proposal based on the feedback received.
If the proposal is viable, Part 2 of the Governance Process begins.
11.3.2 Submission and Voting
Governance Diagram 7 shows this part of the Minglo governance process.
When the proposal has been evaluated by the subject matter experts and declared viable, it is time to introduce the governance proposal. For this, the proposal's author needs to meet the proposal threshold. If the author does not meet the proposal threshold, they have to find a sponsor who does meet the threshold and is willing to support them in submitting the proposal.

When this requirement is met, the on-chain proposal is created and the voting window opens.

Next, the proposal needs to reach a predetermined quorum. If the quorum is reached, the proposal is considered valid, and if not, the proposal is discarded.

The next step is to let voters decide to approve or reject the proposal. Proposals are approved or rejected based on a pass rate or approval/rejection threshold.

If the proposal is approved in compliance with the approval threshold, the next phase of the process is activated.
11.3.3 Security
Governance Diagram 8 shows this part of the Minglo governance process.
When a proposal is approved, an automatic mechanism is triggered that postpones the execution of the proposal to give delegates and other stakeholders time to review the proposal one last time to verify that its implementation does not pose any security risk.

If any errors, risks, or malicious intent are discovered, the DAO guardian can cancel the proposal before it is executed. If the execution of the proposal does not pose any risk, the proposal is queued for execution.
11.3.4 Execution
Anyone with enough $MGL to meet the proposal threshold may execute an approved proposal as long as the timelock period has elapsed.

Some proposals, upon execution, will trigger automatic actions in smart contracts, while others will require human intervention.

Proposals requiring human intervention will be carried out by DAO operators duly identified in the proposal.
11.4 Security and Conflict Resolution
Due to the societal importance of this project and the commercial potential of Minglo, it is necessary to implement security measures at the smart contract level. We also need appropriate conflict resolution methods to detect malicious actors within the ecosystem.
Procedures for removing a member for malicious behavior (Initial Council)
Although the initial Minglo DAO Council members will be clearly identifiable and invited by the creators of this project, conflicts may still arise. To anticipate the situation where initial Council members are no longer aligned with Minglo’s values, we have a process to remove them from the Council:

1. Block the addresses associated with the malicious actor from interacting with the governance contract.
2. Burn the tokens the malicious actor deposited as collateral to participate in Minglo ecosystem decision-making.
3. Any legal action, if appropriate.

The burning of bonds, staked tokens, or any other digital asset can be supplanted by any other use of those resources that the initial Council or delegates body deem appropriate.
This diagram displays the complete token economy for the Minglo ecosystem. The systems within this token economy are described in detail and accompanied by system-level diagrams throughout this white paper.
12.1 DAO Contributors & Contributor Grants
The Contributors are all participants in the platform who are responsible for the maintenance of the necessary infrastructure or who are involved in commercial transactions with the platform and its participants.
These contributors are essential to the success of the platform and help to ensure its growth and sustainability.  These do not include those individuals the platform wishes to insulate from commercial transactions such as well-being researchers and app users.  It would include at least (there could be other enumerated contributors in the future) the following:

・ Data hosters
・ Commercial users
・ AI Analysts
・ App developers
Data hosters
Data hosters are data storage and curation providers.  These could be internal services provided by the platform or third-party contractors.  They offer data curation, storage,  backup,  and other services to store,  maintain,  and protect data.  Hosters provide secure and reliable environments for storing data and provide a  range of services such as replication,  monitoring,  performance tuning,  and disaster recovery capabilities.  Hosters are paid for their services through an initial token grant and then either ongoing payments or rewards through data staking on particular reports (which could include an average weighting across all reports).
Commercial users
Commercial users can sell data to the DAO and purchase reports from the DAO.  In addition, they may decide to contract AI analysts to produce bespoke reports based on the data. These contracted services will allow them to interact with the data with "trusted" parties, the AI analysts. Finally, commercial users could become part of the DAO's governance structure and help shape the future of the DAO.  AI analysts are likely a major source of revenue generation for the DAO.
AI Analysts
AI analysts are the "brains'' of the DAO.  They are trusted parties that have access to the data using it to produce reports for users and commercial third parties.  They are incentivized by proposing a particular report to the DAO and given an initial grant.  They are then incentivized to improve the report through the $DATA staking mechanism that shares in the revenues generated by those reports.  In addition, as they gather a reputation for producing high-quality reports they may be contacted by commercial users (or perhaps the DAO itself) for bespoke reports.
App developers
App developers will develop the app that acts as an interface between users and the platform. The “platform” references the smart contracts that underpin the data creation and incentivization market. The “app” includes any frontend or mobile application that is used to collect and store data. App developers will design the UI/UX and in app mechanics that present the platform in a digestible way to the users. The underlying truth of the app should always reference the state of the platform on-chain. It will act as a proxy for users to submit data, change preferences, and redeem $DATA from the platform.

The app developers will be granted $DATA via governance proposals for developing any app features that will further the mission of the DAO. They will be able to stake that earned $DATA on individual reports or all reports to represent the platform as a whole. The app developer may want to stake $DATA on a specific report because they built a feature that more efficiently collects data for that report. The $DATA grants will be an initial payment to the developers and the revenue share from staking will be a longer-term incentive to make useful features. If an app developer stakes their $DATA earned from the initial grant on a particular report, they will be strongly incentivized to build a UX that efficiently collects data for that report because the future revenues earned will be determined by the quality and quantity of the data collected.
12.2 Data Creation Incentive System
AI Analysts Are Responsible for Assigning the Importance of Data Types
The data type weighting mechanism is designed to create a more efficient and accurate data marketplace. By incentivizing the creation of data that is more valuable to the app, app developers and app users will be more likely to focus on interactions that generate the data that are more important and will create more accurate and useful reports. This ultimately leads to better well-being insights and results for app users. The app users will always have the choice to opt out of this incentive model if they do not wish to share their aggregated data to be sold.

The data type weighting mechanism is a decentralized application (dApp) function built into the tokenomics to incentivize the creation of data by app users via $DATA emissions. The mechanism allows the AI analyst to assign importance weights to each data type used in an AI analyst’s report. It works by assigning "importance weights" to different types of information created through interactions with the applications on the platform.

Essentially, the more important the information, the more incentive there is for people to create it. The program then collects all the information created during a certain time period and rewards the creators with digital tokens that can be exchanged for other things.  Therefore "more important" data will be incentivized over less important data. These weights are then aggregated across all reports to generate emission rewards for the data generated during that epoch. Finally, these rewards are sent to the app developer’s token wrapper vault, specifically the “$DATA app wrapper” described in more detail below, for distribution.

The mechanism is secured through the use of the platform smart contracts. These contracts are used to ensure that the emission rewards are allocated correctly and that the data is securely stored. Additionally, the use of smart contracts helps to guarantee that the data collected is accurate and up-to-date.
12.3 Economic Sustainability Support System
Sustainability calculation
The economic sustainability support system uses a dynamic and responsive approach to promote the long-term sustainability of the platform. By adjusting the weighting of researchers and commercial users based on a moving average of the $DATA token's fiat price, the system can balance two critical functions:

・ Incentivizing data creation for user well-being
・ Ensuring profitability for Minglo

The economic sustainability support system adjusts the data weighting power of researchers and commercial users based on a moving average of the $DATA token's price in terms of fiat currency. This weighting is inversely correlated and sums to 100%. For example, if at any given time researchers have 25% weight, commercial users would have 75% weight. The moving average is used to filter out short-term market fluctuations or manipulation and responds to market conditions over the long term. The system assigns data weighting power based on the moving average crossing a target $DATA price threshold. At this threshold, both researchers and commercial users would have 50% weight.

The target $DATA price threshold should be determined by the DAO by taking into account the $DATA inflows and outflows of the treasury and the fiat price at which it can sustainably continue and grow operations. If the DAO has more $DATA outflows than inflows, it would target a lower $DATA price to maintain a runway of a certain length. Conversely, if the DAO has more $DATA inflows than outflows, it can use the target price to maintain a growth curve and spend more $DATA on building the platform further.

After being tested in pre-launch simulations, the following parameters are to be set by DAO governance:

・ The target token price
・ The responsiveness of the moving average
・ The price delta from the price target where weighting is 100% researchers or 100% commercial users
Well-being loop
The well-being loop is the system that aligns researchers with weighting data incentives in a way that increases the user’s well-being. This feedback loop involves researchers depositing $MGL tokens into a pool for a fixed period of time, choosing reports to incentivize, and being rewarded based on how much their choices increased the well-being of users over that period of time or other well-being-related metrics.
・ Researchers
$MGL token holders will elect researchers to participate in the data weighting through a “whitelist” mechanism. These researchers should be aligned with Minglo’s mission. They should be eager to test hypotheses and collect data about how interacting with the app can increase the well-being of app users.
・ Bonding pool
Researchers will lock $MGL tokens into the bonding pool smart contract for a fixed period of time determined by the DAO. The DAO and third parties may at any time deposit additional governance tokens into the pool. Researchers will then select any combination of reports they want to incentivize proportional to the amount of $MGL they deposited.

For example, 1 researcher may bond 100 $MGL tokens and be granted 100 “weight power” during the bonding period. They may allocate this weight power across reports produced by AI analysts in any way they choose but are incentivized to choose which reports they think would most improve the well-being of the app users.

At the end of the bonding period the $MGL tokens in the pool will be distributed based on a user well-being impact score associated with the reports that they weighted most heavily. This mechanism by default will leave some bottom percentage of researchers with less $MGL than they staked, which incentivizes them to put their best foot forward. Third parties may deposit additional $MGL into the pool which could make the split net positive for all participants. This third party could be the DAO in the early stages to incentivize participation if needed, and in the long run could be external organizations as a means of donating to well-being researchers with highly mission-aligned distribution of funds.
・ Well-being impact score
All researchers will be responsible for creating well-being surveys to accurately measure a facet of users well being, likely related to their area of interest or expertise. All surveys will be aggregated and randomly distributed to users with equal distribution for each survey. This mechanism ensures that no single researcher can manipulate the scoring system in their favor, because if 100 researchers are participating, a dishonest scoring survey will only sway scoring by 1%. This mechanism is antifragile because the larger the system gets, the more manipulation-resistant it becomes.

This well-being impact score will be calculated for users and cross-referenced with the reports they contributed data to rank reports on their well-being impact. Bonding pool rewards will be distributed proportionally to whichever reports the researchers individually incentivized.
Sustainability loop
The sustainability loop will activate when the $DATA price falls below the target level and gives $DATA stakers weighting power based on the reports that they stake on. This means if a commercial user is interested in a particular report that an AI analyst has proposed or is doing, they can buy and stake $DATA to directly incentivize app users to contribute data types that bolster the amount of data for that particular report.
12.4 Incentive deployment
$DATA emissions
The $DATA tokenomics mechanism is an incentive system for app users that allows them to earn rewards for participating in the platform and allowing their data to be used by AI analysts. Users can choose to opt-in to data collection for more personalized data and receive higher rewards, or opt-out and receive a base rate of rewards for non-personalized app interactions.
The AI analyst weighting mechanism is then used to calculate a series of weights for each data type and determine the reward pool for that data type as a proportion of all emissions paid in rewards to app users for that epoch. This incentivizes users to provide more personalized data, while still providing a base reward for all users regardless of their opt-in status.
This rewards system helps ensure that users are incentivized to use the apps even if they are not comfortable sharing their data and provides additional incentives to share that data at some point in the future.  It could also be possible to opt-in to store data that could be shared at some point in the future and retain $DATA payments as further incentive to provide data-sharing permissions.  In this case, the $DATA tokens may have a decay rate to incentivize sharing sooner rather than later.  For example, “banked” tokens from previous data interactions could reward less $DATA the longer a user waits to opt-in.
$DATA app wrapper
The $DATA app wrapper is a tokenomics solution that provides a time-weighted, custodial mechanism for token distribution to users.  This provides the added convenience of storing emissions rewards for users who do not wish to interact with a Web3 wallet.

This app wrapper grants users the ability to earn $DATA by participating in different activities, and it sets a hard time limit for when the earned $DATA is distributed to the app users. The time-weighted nature of the app wrapper ensures that users receive their earned $DATA with certainty by a given date (for example within 7 or 14 days of earning), but provides some ability to obfuscate the exact source of the rewards on a time basis.

In addition, the custodial mechanism allows users to securely store their earned $DATA in their account without the added complexity of a wallet. This solution provides users with a safe and secure way to earn and store their $DATA, while also ensuring that their rewards are distributed on time.  Ultimately, there will be a mechanism to transfer those earned tokens to a Web3 wallet to allow users to participate in other aspects of the DATA platform.
12.5 Revenue distribution
DAO take rate
The DAO "take rate" is a balancing mechanism managed by $MGL token holders to determine revenue sharing between the platform and its participants.  The take rate is a simple percentage calculation of the revenue that is retained by the DAO for every transaction that occurs within the system.  It acts as a royalty payment or tax for all commerce that occurs across all transactions.  Initially, this may be limited to purchases of various reports, but may be expanded to other commercial transactions at a later date.

Ideally, the governance body will tune this rate to reflect the required revenue retention to maintain the growth and maintenance of the platform.  The default rate at inception can be determined through simulations but it is recommended that the initial rate is zero or some very low nominal rate at the beginning until the platform obtains a critical mass of necessary data and generates reports that exhibit demand by users.  After the platform is established, the rate should be adjusted to a reasonable return on capital reflecting the value of the platform to its users and the cost of sustaining it.

The contract could also have a mechanism to ensure that the take rate never exceeds a fixed level nor can it grow between any two periods more than some maximum rate.  This restriction would also restrict any changes in the take rate made through governance to prevent large, instantaneous, discrete changes in the take rate. This would protect the interests of stakeholders who may have acquired $DATA tokens at a time when the take rate was fixed at a low level, and to ensure that the governance token holders do not set the take rate to an unreasonably high level.  While this is possible in reality such actions would likely destroy value for governance token holders as customers and app users would simply leave the platform.  Nevertheless, it would provide some assurances to $DATA token holders that the likelihood of such actions is mitigated.
$DATA staking
The value of the data is determined through the staking on the “outputs” of the system. Those include reports authored by AI Analysts, but there may be other outputs in future periods.  Various $DATA token holders in the system will have the ability to stake tokens that represent a proportional claim on the profit pools represented by a family of reports. These residual profits will be net of a take rate of the DAO. The take rate will be set by $MGL token holders according to the “DAO take-rate proposal” process described in the governance section above.  The take rate adjustments should have the goal of balancing the sustainability of the cost structure with making the data available to AI Analysts through efficient pricing and any adjustments to that take rate should explain why the changes are necessary to fulfill that goal.
12.6 Tokenomics Equations
The purpose of the equations are to formulate the flow of tokens in Minglo Tokenomics. It has been created to facilitate a mutual understanding of the following:

・ Equations representing the token processing
・ Variable definitions

These items are critical for creating a simulation. Simulations automatically execute math- ematical operations at each step. Therefore, if their definitions are not appropriate, the results of the simulation may be meaningless.
12.6.1 DAO token rate
In this section, we will explain the equation related to the token rate. Fig. 2 shows a diagram related to the token rate. In this process, the pay for the reports is divided into revenue for the
DAO and revenue for $DATA token stakers. When we denote the token rate as α, this process can be represented as follows:
where K, pk, mk, Rd, and Rs represent the number of reports, the price of the report k, the number of sales of the report k, the revenue for DAO, and the revenue for stakers, respectively. We assume that α remains constant through the simulation for the time being, considering it as a lower priority.
12.6.2 Sustainability loop
In this section, we will formulate the distribution of the revenue, especially to each $DATA staker, in the sustainability loop. Fig. 3 shows a schematic of the redistribution of revenue. The previously defined Rs in the previous section is distributed to each staker based on their stake percentage. The distribution amount for staker n can be defined as follows:
where sn,k and N represent the stake amount that staker n has made on report k and the number of stakers. To perform this process, the simulator needs to keep the following information as variables:

・ Information on each staker (reports staked on, stake amounts for each report, amount of $DATA held)
・ Information on the liquidity pool (right side of Fig. 3) (existing reports, stake amounts for each report, amount of pooled $DATA)
12.6.3  Incentive deployment
In this section, we will formulate the $DATA Emissions in incentive deployment. In $DATA Emissions, the revenue distribution will be determined based on the moving average value δ of $DATA. Specifically, if δ exceeds the threshold value t, we will adopt the number of votes from researchers. If δ falls below t, we will adopt the stake amount of $DATA stakers. Based on this, the emission of DTTj (j = 1, ..., J ), ej is as follows:
where J, E, wj, M, and vm,k respectively represent the number of DTTs, total emissions/epoch, the weight assigned by AI analysts to DTTj, the number of researchers, and the number of votes made by researcher m on report k. In this process, t is a hyperparameter.
12.6.4 Well-being loop
In this section, we formulate the researcher’s revenue, particularly in the well-being loop pro- cessing. Fig. 4 presents an overview of how the researcher gains revenue. A researcher votes on each report using $MGL. Users who subscribe to these reports and improve their well-being provide feedback (ratings) for each report. The more the researcher votes for reports with high user ratings, the more revenue they earn. The revenue for researcher m, rm can be shown as follows:
where uk is a user feedback score on the report. During the simulation stage, we consider it appropriate to use randomly sampled values for the scores. We assume that each researcher holds the following variables:

・$MGL that they are bonded with.
・The reports that they have bonded with.
・$DATA that they hold.
13.1 Tokenomics Simulation
13.1.1 Simulation Environment
We conduct our modeling using cadCAD (Complexe Adaptive Dynamics Computer Aided Design). cadCAD is a simulation framework to assist in the design and analysis of complex adaptive systems. We used cadCAD to perform multi-agent simulation. Multi-agent simulation refers to a method for simulating the interaction of multiple autonomous agents and the resulting collective behavior. Each agent has its own set of behavioral rules and interacts with other agents and the environment. This makes it possible to observe complex patterns and phenomena resulting from agent interactions.

In web3 projects such as Minglo, complex economic systems are formed by the interaction of many stakeholders. These systems are influenced by many factors, such as the supply and demand for tokens, incentive mechanisms, and governance structures, and are best modeled using multi-agent simulation. In this experiment, we use cadCAD to simulate these elements and their interactions, and then analyze the dynamic behavior of the tokenomics on the results obtained.
13.1.2 Agents
Behavioral rules for each agent are described as follows.
Commercial user
Commercial users prioritize purchasing $DATA when using the allocated USD. When purchasing $DATA, if the price fluctuation is -20% or more, there is a 70%  probability they will use 1/10 to 1/3 of the held USD to make the purchase. On the other hand, if the price fluctuation is 20% or less, there is a 50%  probability they will sell 1/10 to 1/5 of the held $DATA.
For $MGL, when the price fluctuation is 20% or less, there is a 92%  probability they use 1/20 to 1/5 of their held USD to purchase. If the price fluctuation is -20% or more, there is a 55%  probability they sell 1/10 to 1 of their held $MGL.
Commercial users use their held $DATA to purchase reports, and each report purchase occurs with a probability of 1 / (2 * (price)).
Commercial users stake their held $DATA and receive 95% of the report sales in $DATA proportionate to the amount of $DATA staked in the Pool, as determined by the DAO take rate.
The Held $MGL is staked in the DAO, and commercial users receive rewards in $MGL allocated to the DAO proportionate to the amount of $MGL staked in the Pool.
App user
App users generate data and earn $DATA tokens.
When the price fluctuation is below 20%, there is a 70% probability they sell 1/10 to 1/5 of their held $DATA tokens.
Additionally, they use 50% of the acquired $DATA tokens to purchase reports.
Basically they do not purchase $DATA tokens.
Their held $DATA tokens are staked, and they receive a proportionate amount of 95% of the report sales in $DATA tokens based on the amount of $DATA tokens staked in the Pool, as determined by the DAO take rate.
AI analyst
AI analysts stake their held $MGL tokens in the DAO. Additionally, until step 250, newly minted $MGL tokens are proportionally distributed based on the percentage of staked $MGL tokens.
Their held $DATA tokens are staked, and they receive a proportionate amount of 95% of the report sales in $DATA tokens based on the amount of $DATA tokens staked in the Pool, as determined by the DAO take rate.
For $DATA, when the price fluctuation is -20% or more, there is a 50% probability they use 1/20 to 1/5 of their held USD to purchase $DATA.
When the price fluctuation is 20% or less, there is a 50% probability of selling 1/10 to 1/5 of their held $DATA.For $MGL, when the price fluctuation is 20% or less, there is a 92% probability of using 1/20 to 1/5 of their held USD to purchase $MGL.
When the price fluctuation is -20% or more, there is a 55% probability of selling 1/10 to 1 of their held $MGL.AI analysts increase their numbers per step. They reach the maximum number at step 240 and remain unchanged thereafter.
App developer
App developers stake their held $MGL tokens in the DAO. Additionally, until step 250, newly minted $MGL tokens are proportionally distributed based on the percentage of staked $MGL tokens.
Their held $DATA tokens are staked, and they receive a proportionate amount of 95% of the report sales in $DATA tokens based on the amount of $DATA tokens staked in the Pool, as determined by the DAO take rate.
The behavioral rules for purchasing and selling tokens are the same as for commercial users.
App developers increase their numbers per step. They reach the maximum number at step 240 and remain unchanged thereafter.
Data hoster
Data hosters stake their held $MGL tokens in the DAO.
Additionally, until step 250, newly minted $MGL tokens are proportionally distributed based on the percentage of staked $MGL tokens.
Their held $DATA tokens are staked, and they receive a proportionate amount of 95% of the report sales in $DATA tokens based on the amount of $DATA tokens staked in the Pool, as determined by the DAO take rate.
The behavioral rules for purchasing and selling tokens are the same as for commercial users.
Data hosters increase their numbers per step.
They reach the maximum number at step 240 and remain unchanged thereafter.
Researchers vote on reports by depositing approximately 50% of their held $MGL tokens into the bonding pool.
They also stake approximately 50% of their held $MGL tokens in the DAO. Additionally, until step 250, newly minted $MGL tokens are proportionally distributed based on the percentage of staked $MGL tokens.
Their held $DATA tokens are staked, and they receive a proportionate amount of 95% of the report sales in $DATA tokens based on the amount of $DATA tokens staked in the Pool, as determined by the DAO take rate.
The behavioral rules for purchasing and selling tokens are the same as for commercial users.Researchers increase their numbers per step. They reach the maximum number at step 240 and remain unchanged thereafter.
Initial Core Members_AI analyst
To achieve project decentralization, tokens are transferred to AI analysts on a per-step basis.
During this process, the Initial Core Members_AI analysts transfer tokens in sequence, and the final transfer by the last person begins at step 240.
After the transfers are completed, the goal is to have only two token holders.
The Initial Core Members_AI analysts do not engage in token trading and solely earn staking rewards for their income.
Initial Core Members_App developer
To achieve project decentralization, tokens are transferred to App developers on a per-step basis. During this process, the Initial Core Members_App developers transfer tokens in sequence, and the final transfer by the last person begins at step 240.
After the transfers are completed, the goal is to have only two token holders.
The Initial Core Members_App developers do not engage in token trading and solely earn staking rewards for their income.
Initial Core Members_Data hoster
To achieve project decentralization, tokens are transferred to Data hosters on a per-step basis.
During this process, the Initial Core Members_Data hosters transfer tokens in sequence, and the final transfer by the last person begins at step 240.
After the transfers are completed, the goal is to have only two token holders.The Initial Core Members_Data hosters do not engage in token trading and solely earn staking rewards for their income.
Initial Core Members Researcher
To achieve project decentralization, tokens are transferred to Researchers on a per-step basis. During this process, the Initial Core Members_Researchers transfer tokens in sequence, and the final transfer by the last person begins at step 240.
After the transfers are completed, the goal is to have only two token holders.
The Initial Core Members_Researchers do not engage in token trading and solely earn staking rewards for their income.
The initial allocation of $MGL will be sold in fixed quantities starting from step 150 and continuing with each step.
The amount sold will be 622 $MGL per step, which corresponds to 50% of the unlocked $MGL, and the USD acquired through the sales will be accumulated.
They do not purchase the tokens.
The initial allocation of $MGL will be sold in fixed quantities starting from step 150 and continuing with each step.
The amount sold will be 622 $MGL per step, which corresponds to 50% of the unlocked $MGL, and the USD acquired through the sales will be accumulated.  
They do not purchase the tokens.
The initial parameters for each agent are as follows. Note that each value is shown per agent.
Number of allocations per person
Number of tokens transferred per person per step
Number of people in role
App user
Commercial user
AI analyst
App developer
Data hoster
Initial Core Members_AI analyst
Initial Core Members_AI analyst
Initial Core Members_Data hoster
Initial Core Members_Researcher
13.1.3 Parameters
Vote for reports ($MGL bonding pool)
4 steps/time
New $DATA allocation to App user
100 $DATA/App user
Step-by-step new USD allocation to Commercial user
3000USD/Commercial user
$MGL staking rewards
See graph below
$MGL grants every 4 steps. up to 150 steps
10,000 $MGL/bonding pool
Number of Steps
Initial Token Price
1$MGL = 20USD, 1$DATA = 10USD
13.2 Total Supply
$MGL tokens will be distributed in a limited supply model.An initial allocation of 1,900,000 tokens will be made.The number of tokens to be allocated will be reduced step by step to a total of 4,803,258 tokens.
$DATA tokens will be distributed in an inflationary supply model.An initial allocation of 1,900,000 tokens will be made.The simulation results predict the following supply for $DATA tokens.
13.3 Allocation & Unlock Schedule
13.3.1 Initial Allocation
The initial allocation is as follows.
Total number of issues: 1,900,000
Number of tokens
Core members
Total number of issues: 1,370,000
Number of tokens
Core members
App users
Marketing & Ecosystem will be distributed for the following purposes

・ Incentives to ambassadors and marketing partners. Note that ambassadors may include individual users.
・ Providing liquidity in the CEX/DEX
・ Payment of listing and market-making fees
13.3.2 Vesting Schedule
Investors & Token Isuurer' $MGL tokens have a 45-month lock period. This lock period will be lifted linearly after 18 months, lifting at approximately 3.7% per month (simulated at approximately 0.123% per day), and fully lifted after 45 months.

All $MGL holders are not able to purchase or sell $MGL until 18 months later.

There is no lock period on $DATA; it can be purchased and sold at any time.
13.4 Possession
13.4.1 $MGL Possession
Amount and percentage of holdings after 300Steps (3 years)
Number of tokens
Core members
13.4.2 $DATA Possession
Amount and percentage of holdings after 300Steps (3 years)
Number of tokens
Core members
App users
13.5 Token Prices
The price of $DATA is predicted to maintain around $10. The equilibrium between selling pressure and buying pressure is achieved through the issuance of new $DATA to App users and the influx of USD from Commercial users into the ecosystem.

The price of $MGL is predicted to maintain around $20. After 18 months from the TGE of $MGL, Investors and Marketing/Ecosystem participants will begin selling their holdings, leading to selling pressure. At the same time, DAO will partially sell $DATA from the treasury while continuously increasing its holdings of $MGL. Additionally, $DATA stakers who generate revenue from report sales will sell $DATA and purchase $MGL to increase their holdings.

This price trend is anticipated because the limited supply of $MGL, compared to the unlimited supply of $DATA, is considered more attractive. Once initial investors complete their sales, the price of $MGL is predicted to continue rising relative to the price of $DATA.

This simulation does not take into account the impact of the listing of the tokens and the increased demand for $DATA due to the increased number of paid services that can be paid for with $DATA.

In this section, only the sustainability of the tokens is evaluated.
January 2023: Finalization of Minglo's SDK and Decentralized Service Architecture: This phase marks the completion of our robust architecture for Minglo's Software Development Kit (SDK) and decentralized services, laying a solid foundation for our technological infrastructure.
February 2023: Completion of Development for DataNFT, $DATA, and Minglo Data Wallet SDK. This milestone expands our data tokenization, cryptocurrency implementation, and secure data management capabilities.
March 2023: Completion of Minglo Super App Design and Architecture: this stage signifies the successful design and architectural development of the Minglo Super App. Our focus is to enhance the user interface and experience, fostering seamless interaction within the platform.
April 2023: Implementation of Trust Factors, Mutual Understanding Factors, and Impact of Personality on Well-being: based on comprehensive data collected from multiple sources, we will conduct a thorough analysis of key factors affecting trust, mutual understanding, and their subsequent impact on well-being. This study forms the basis of our further exploration into well-being dynamics.
June 2023: the Minglo MVP for super app and the Sky Island well being app. It includes vital components such as digital ID, wallet management, gamification, user profiling, personality mapping, social graph creation, and well-being scoring. Further, we will showcase data visualizations, including mutual trust score, mutual understanding score, well-being score, and personality traits, for a holistic understanding of user engagement. This MVP's deliverables will lay the groundwork for Minglo's subsequent features. A pivotal part of these deliverables includes a data visualization module that extends its utility to cover wearable devices for automated data collection. In addition, we are broadening our data collection strategies to garner a richer set of data to enhance our service offerings.
August 2023: Management of Factors Influencing Well-being: as part of our initiative to improve well-being, we will identify and categorize positive and negative factors that affect it. This crucial step will facilitate the development of our future well-being smart advice services, enhancing the value proposition of our platform.
November 2023: Unveiling of the Data Bundling Acquisition Initiative: this new feature is designed to enable organizations and individual entities to perform large-scale acquisition of usage rights to users' data for analytical and statistical purposes. This initiative is designed not only to bolster the system's efficiency but also to stay true to Minglo's mission of promoting research aimed at enhancing well-being. Despite the amplification in the scale of transactions, our Data Bundling Acquisition Initiative continues to underpin the fundamental principles of system security and transparency, ensuring the users' data is handled with utmost care and respect.
December 2023: Implementation of Organization Management, Network Analysis, and LinkedIn Integration: In our quest for continuous improvement, we will be incorporating organization management and network analysis features, in addition to integrating with LinkedIn. These enhancements are expected to further enrich the user experience and broaden our service offerings.
February2023: The inauguration of Minglo's DDEX, integrated with payment services utilizing $DATA, marks a significant milestone in Minglo's trajectory. This phase unfolds a robust framework enabling both individuals and entities to transfer data securely, without constraints. The lucidity of our platform facilitates data owners to efficaciously track the consumption of their information. We anticipate that the strategic streamlining of data circulation through these initiatives will notably augment data functionality, consequently broadening the scope of potential applications of data collected by Minglo.
April2024: Integration with Wearable Devices and 3rd party Data Reporting Services, and the Introduction of Data Bundling for Organizations: at this stage, we will be integrating Minglo with various wearable devices and data reporting services, significantly expanding the data sources accessible to our users. Furthermore, we will launch a data bundling option for organizations, which will enable the purchase of data from multiple owners, thereby accelerating the adoption and usage of data on the platform.
May 2024: Launch of Minglo DAO: The launch of Minglo DAO signifies a strategic shift as we transition Minglo into a public platform. This move is expected to catalyze faster, more sustainable growth through public contributions. At the initial stage, We will maintain a crucial role as a founding member, ensuring stringent security measures, effective risk management, and seamless platform operations to meet our users' needs.
July2024: Introduce Data Creation Incentive System controlled by Minglo DAO: this strategic system aims to promote synergistic collaboration between data owners and professional data analysts, improving the data quality, streamlining the collection process, and optimizing data pricing. Central to this initiative is a data type weighting mechanism, meticulously engineered under the stewardship of the DAO community and advisory data analysts, via governance proposals. The mechanism is geared towards the establishment of an advanced, accurate data marketplace. This strategy prioritizes the generation of high-value data to the application, thereby stimulating developers and users to focus their interactions on producing crucial data, ultimately leading to enriched well-being insights for the user base.
November2024: Launch of Minglo ID-as-a-Service: in our ongoing commitment to provide a robust and secure user experience, we will be release Minglo ID-as-a-Service to the public. This innovative feature is designed to offer an all-encompassing and secure authentication solution. It harnesses the power of social graphs and trusted scores to provide solid authentication and authorization services for both custodial and non-custodial wallets. With this service, we anticipate delivering enhanced security and an added layer of convenience, thereby significantly elevating the user experience in the blockchain sphere.
15. Disclaimers
These disclaimers set out hereinunder (the “Disclaimers”) form an integral part of the Whitepaper issued by ATRAE INC, a company incorporated under the laws of Japan, and located at 1-10-10 Azabujuban, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 8th floor, Joule A (“ATRAE” or the “Company”), in relation to the Minglo platform (the “Platform”) operated by the Company. The Platform, as part of its functionality, contains third party links, apps or content (“Third Party Services”) which are not endorsed, recommended or promoted by the Company. You are advised to read and familiarize yourself with these Disclaimers.
Information Published in the Whitepaper
The Whitepaper provides information and material of general nature. You are not authorized and nor should you rely on the Whitepaper for legal advice, business advice, tax advice or financial advice or advice of any kind. You should also be aware that you may be required to bear, for an infinite amount of time, the legal and financial risk of any purchase of or minting of tokens on the Minglo platform, which may include DataNFTs, $MGL, and $DATA or any other digital representation of value, utility rights or governance rights issued by the Company from time to time (the “Digital Tokens”). You act at your own risk in reliance on the contents of the Whitepaper. Should you decide to act or not act you should contact a licensed attorney in the relevant jurisdiction in which you want or need help. In no way are the contributors to the Whitepaper responsible for the actions, decisions, or other behavior taken or not taken by you in reliance upon the Whitepaper. 
Involvement Risks of holdings of Digital Tokens
The Digital Tokens, including but not limited to DataNFTs, $MGL, and $DATA may be minted, distributed, issued, utilized or transacted on the blockchain by you, as a user of the Platform. However, we do not endorse, recommend, or provide any assurance regarding the purchase, sale, or holding of any of the Digital Tokens.

The Digital Tokens are not intended to be treated as investments or securities. They are digital assets that represent ownership of specific data, rights or information on the blockchain, and their value may fluctuate based on market demand, but they do not grant any ownership stake in the company.

By purchasing, minting, distributing, utilizing or transacting in  any of the Digital Tokens, you acknowledge that you are not acquiring a security or investment, and you agree to hold the Company harmless and not liable for any losses or taxes you may incur. The Company does not provide any opinions or advice on decisions related to the selling, purchasing, minting, distribution, issuance or any transactions concerning the Digital Tokens. This Whitepaper should not serve as the foundation for, or be relied upon in connection with, any contractual arrangement or investment decision involving the Company. No individual is obligated to enter into a binding legal commitment or contract concerning the minting, purchase, utilization, sale or any transaction or dealing in the of Digital Tokens, and no cryptocurrency or any other form of payment should be accepted on the premise of, or in reliance on, any portion of this Whitepaper.

Any technical functionalities of the Platform mentioned in this Whitepaper are solely of a technical nature and do not aim to establish legal rights for holders of the Digital Tokens. It is essential for you to conduct thorough due diligence and seek advice from a qualified financial advisor or legal professional before engaging in any financial activities involving the Digital Tokens.
No Offer of Securities
No shares or other securities of the Company are being offered in any jurisdiction pursuant to this Whitepaper. The Whitepaper does not constitute an offer or invitation to any person to subscribe for or purchase shares, rights, or any other securities in the Company. The shares of the Company are not being presently offered to be registered under any securities act, laws, regulation, order, notice, guideline of any state,  country or jurisdiction. The Digital Tokens referred to in this Whitepaper have not been registered, approved, or disapproved by any relevant regulatory authority regulating the issuance of digital tokens, including the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, nor has any authority examined or approved the characteristics or the economic realities of the DataNFTs, $MGL, $DATA or any other digital representation of value, utility rights or governance rights issued by the Company from time to time  under the securities laws of any jurisdiction. 

No regulatory authority has examined or approved of any of the information set out in this Whitepaper. The publication, distribution, or dissemination of this Whitepaper, or the services, goods and products referred to therein, does not imply that the applicable laws, regulatory requirements, or rules have been complied with. It is your responsibility to make sure that you comply with your local laws and regulations before you make any purchase or transaction on the Platform.  The Digital Tokens are only intended to provide digital access rights to products and services in our Platform. They do not function as a medium of exchange outside of the Platform and are not denominated in or pegged to any currency by the Company.

The  Digital Tokens are not issued as consideration for fund raising and does not entitle any holder of Digital Tokens to assert any stake in or right to underlying assets such as equity in the Company or any security interest against the Company. For the avoidance of doubt, the Digital Tokens do not confer, award or represent that the token holder has ownership interest in the Company or any of its related entities and neither will it represent liability of the token holder in the Company or any of its related entities. 

The Digital Tokens also do not represent to be a debenture where it could or would constitute or evidence the indebtedness of the Company or any of its related entities to the holders of the Digital Tokens and neither do the Digital Tokens confer or represent ownership interest in any trust property of the Company. The Digital Tokens also do not constitute a securities-based derivative contract because shares, debenture arrangements or units in business trusts do not underly the Digital Tokens and neither will shall the Digital Tokens constitute a right or interest in a Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) or an option to acquire a right or interest in a CIS. 

The digital access rights or benefits associated with the  Digital Tokens includes, but are not limited to:
  • (a) Provision of hyper-personalized services to users.
  • (b) Facilitation of confidential communication between users and health service providers.
  • (c) Secure storage of all health treatments or utilized well-being services for retrospective access when necessary.
  • (d) Instant rewarding of users engaged in any well-being activities.
  • (e) Secure, consensual discovery of suitable candidates for clinical trials based on their medical history.
  • (f) Efficient and secure methods for payment and reimbursement for healthcare services.
No rendering of medical advice
The Platform's key features include:
  • (a) Seamless digital well-being service delivery by connecting users with service providers
  • (b) Personalized well-being tips and information based on activities, medical history, and occupation.
  • (c) Encouraging mental health support through peer and community engagement.
  • (d) Prioritizing user privacy and data control for personal and health information.
  • (e) Secure, consensual discovery of suitable candidates for clinical trials based on their medical history.
  • (f) Incentives for peer support and data sharing with well-being providers.
The Company is not, through the Platform, providing any medical advice of any kind. We make no representations or warranties whatsoever in respect of the information you gather through the Platform or via Third Party Services. 

While information regarding medications, health, medical advisories or otherwise may be provided through Third Party Services or accessible on the Platform, we do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any such content which is provided through Third Party Services and/or any accessible on the Platform. 

Any actions you take based on content, notifications and otherwise provided by or through the Platform or Third Party Services are taken at your sole risk. You should always check any information provided by or through the Platform or Third Party Services to ensure its accuracy.
Third Party Services
The Company does not control nor influence the services, products, content or information rendered following your purchase or interactions with Third Party Services and you agree that neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliates shall be deemed liable for the achievement or non-achievement of delivery, quality, outcomes or features of such Third-Party Services.

Your use of any of the Third Party Services is at your own risk. The provision of any goods or service by Third Party Services on the Platform is not a guarantee by the Company on the creditworthiness, genuineness and trustworthiness of the provider of the Third Party Services. 

The Company does not endorse any service or product offered by the Third Party Services. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain medical advice and make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability, and correctness of information relating to products or services accessible through the Third Party Services before making any purchase or using any product or service.

You must consult with healthcare providers and make your medical decisions based on their advice. The Company accepts no responsibility for checking the accuracy of data, programs, or materials whether relating to the Service or provided in relation to Third Party Services that are accessed through the Platform and makes no representation concerning its completeness, truth, accuracy, or its suitability for any particular purpose.
Information in the Whitepaper
The Whitepaper is provided on an “as is” basis without any warranties of any kind regarding the Whitepaper and/or any content, data, materials, and/or services provided on the Whitepaper. The Company and any of its related entities do not make or purport to make, and hereby disclaims, any representation warranty undertaking or covenant in any form whatsoever to any entity or person, including any representation warranty undertaking or covenant in relation to the truth, accuracy and completeness of any of the information set out in the Whitepaper.

The Company shall not be liable for any loss of any kind from any action taken in reliance on material or information contained on the Platform or the Whitepaper.
Platform Security
While the Company attempts to make your access to and use of the Platform safe, the Company cannot and does not represent or warrant that the Platform, its services, Third Party Services, content hosted on linked to or associated with the Digital Tokens, or any of the Digital Tokens you interact with using the Platform are free of viruses or other harmful components. 

We cannot guarantee the security of any data that you disclose online through the Platform notwithstanding the undertaking of on-chain and off-chain data storage measures. You accept the inherent security risks of providing information, personal data and dealing online over the internet and will not hold the Company responsible for any breach of security.
Limitation of Liability in dealings over the Platform
The Digital Tokens exist only by virtue of the ownership record maintained in the associated blockchain (e.g., Polygon network or the Ethereum network). Any transfers or sales occur on the associated blockchain. The Company and/or any other party of the Company cannot effect or otherwise control the transfer of title or right in any Digital Tokens or underlying or associated content or items. You agree that the Company shall not be liable to you in any way for any losses associated with manipulation of the value of the  Digital Tokens you have created, bought, transferred or sold.

The Third Party Services are made available to you on the Platform on an “as is” basis without any warranties of any kind regarding delivery, quality, outcomes or features of such Third Party Services.

In no event shall the Company or any of its related entities, or any current or former employees, officers, directors, partners, trustees, representatives, agents, advisors, contractors, or volunteers of the company be responsible or liable in any way whatsoever to any user of the Platform for any damages of any kind, including but not limited to loss of use, loss of profits, loss of data, or any incidental, direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with:
  • Vulnerabilities or any kind of failure, abnormal behavior of software (e.g., wallet, smart contract), blockchains or any other features of the the Digital Tokens; 
  • late reports by developers or representatives (or no report at all) of any issues with the blockchain supporting the Digital Tokens, including forks, technical node issues or any other issues generating losses or injury as a result;
  • usage of virtual private networks, jailbroken devices or other specially configured hardware or software applications;
  • access to or use of the Third Party Services or reliance on any information regarding the Third Party Services that are made available through the Platform;
  • any failure by the Company to deliver or realise all or any part of the project or the Platform or the features envisaged in relation to the Digital Tokens;
  • your use or inability to use at any time the Digital Tokens offered from time to time by the Company;
  • any security risk or security breach or security threat or security attack or any theft or loss of data including but not limited to hacker attacks, losses of password, losses of private keys, or anything similar;
  • any unauthorized third-party activities, including without limitation the use of viruses, phishing, brute forcing or other means of attack against the Platform or the Digital Tokens;
  • any perceived inaccuracy, incompleteness, or lack of integrity within the Platform;
  • any adverse development to you on the Platform due to the evolution of the Platform due to the use of the $MGL by the Platform’s decentralized autonomous organization;
  • mistakes or errors in code, text, or images involved in the sale of DataNFT;
  • Standard marketplace risks such as potential scams, market manipulation, and liquidity risks;
  • any information contained in or omitted from the Whitepaper;
  • any expectation, promise, representation or warranty arising (or purportedly arising) from the whitepaper;
  • the volatility in pricing of the Digital Tokens in any countries and/or on any exchange or market (regulated, unregulated, primary, secondary or otherwise) including any marketplace for $DATA on the Platform;
  • the purchase, use, sale, resale, redemption or otherwise of the Digital Tokens;
  • your failure to properly secure any private key to a wallet containing the Digital Tokens; or
  • user errors, incorrectly constructed transactions, or mistyped addresses.
(collectively, the “Excluded Liability Provisions”)

You assume all responsibility and risk with respect to your use of the Whitepaper and purchasing of any amount of Digital Tokens and their use. If applicable law does not allow all or any part of the above limitation of liability to apply to you, the limitations will apply to you only to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.
Waiver and Indemnity
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waive:
  • all and any claims (whether actual or contingent and whether as an employee, office holder, trustee, agent, principal or in any other capacity whatsoever or howsoever arising) including, without limitation, claims for or relating to the Excluded Liability Provisions, any payment or repayment of monies, indemnity or otherwise that you may have against the company or against any of the company representatives; and
  • release and discharge the company and all of the company representatives from any and all liability (of whatsoever nature or howsoever arising) it or they may have to you.
If for any reason you hereafter bring or commence any action or legal proceeding in respect of any claim purported to be released and discharged pursuant to this paragraph or these terms, or otherwise attempt to pursue any such claim against the company or any company representative then you hereby irrevocably and unconditionally undertake to indemnify, and keep indemnified the company and all company representatives fully on demand from and against:
  • all liabilities or losses suffered by the company or any Company representative; and
  • all reasonable costs, charges and reasonable expenses (including without limitation reasonable legal costs and expenses) reasonably and properly incurred by the company or any company representative, in each case by reason of or in connection with the bringing or commencement of such action or pursuit of such claim by you.
Compliance with Obligations
The Company does not guarantee compliance with the laws of any country. Always make sure that you comply with your local laws and regulations before you make any purchase of the Digital Tokens or make any purchase of goods or services from Third Party Services.
Restricted Regions
This Whitepaper is not intended for distribution to any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to any applicable law or regulation, or which would subject us to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country. 

Moreover, the Company reserves the right to refuse to provide any products or services to any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation, or which would subject us to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country. 

Where you have accessed this Whitepaper, or the Platform in violation of this section, using sites or channels that are registered in jurisdictions other than yours, or through means that may include virtual private networks, jailbroken devices, instant messaging applications, or other specially configured hardware or software applications, you agree to indemnify the Company in accordance with the section titled “Waiver and Indemnity”.
Future Statements
There may be matters in this Whitepaper that are forward-looking statements. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainty. All statements contained in the Whitepaper, statements made in any press releases or in any place accessible by the public and oral statements that may be made by the company or the company representatives (as the case may be), that are not statements of historical fact, constitute “forward looking statements”. Some of these statements can be identified by forward-looking terms such as “aim”, “target”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “could”, “estimate”, “expect”, “if”, “intend”, “may”, “plan”, “possible”, “probable”, “project”, “should”, “would”, “will” or other similar terms. However, these terms are not the exclusive means of identifying forward-looking statements. All statements regarding the company’s financial position, business strategies, plans and prospects and the future prospects of the industry which the company is in are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements, including but not limited to statements as to the Company’s revenue profitability and growth, expected revenue profitability and growth, prospects, future plans, other expected industry trends and other matters discussed in the whitepaper regarding the company are matters that are not historic facts, but only estimations and predictions. 

The Company makes no representation or warranty on having made any predictions or estimates or expectations on the basis of any formula, any mathematical or scientific modelling or forecast, or having made any due and proper enquiries or having undertaken any independent research or studies or otherwise. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual future results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expected, expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors include, amongst others:
  • changes in legal political social economic and stock or cryptocurrency market conditions and the regulatory environment in the countries in which the company conducts its token sale its business and/or its operations;
  • the risk that the Company may be unable or execute or implement its business strategies and future plans;
  • changes in the availability, features or operations by providers of Third Party Services;
  • Standard marketplace risks including market manipulation, market volatility and liquidity variability risks.
  • changes in interest rates and exchange rates of the Digital Tokens and/or other cryptocurrencies;
  • changes in the anticipated growth strategies and expected internal growth of the company;
  • Changes in the availability and fees payable to the company in connection with its business and operations;
  • changes in the availability and salaries of employees who are required by the company to operate its business and operations;
  • changes in preferences of customers of the company;
  • changes in competitive conditions under which the company operates, and the ability of the company to compete under such conditions;
  • changes in the future capital needs of the company and the availability of financing and capital to fund such needs;
  • war or acts of international or domestic terrorism;
  • occurrences of catastrophic events, natural disasters and acts of God that affect the businesses and/or operations of the company;
  • other factors beyond the control of the company; and
  • any risk and uncertainties associated with the company and its business and operations, the tokens, the token sale and reliance on all or any part of the whitepaper.
All forward-looking statements made by or attributable to the company or company representatives are expressly qualified in their entirety by such factors. 

Given that risks and uncertainties may cause the actual future results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from that expected, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements in the whitepaper, participants are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The actual results or events that transpire afterwards may be different from what is implied here.

The Company cannot guarantee future performance, results, or achievements. We undertake no obligation to update any of these forward-looking statements for any reason after the date of this Whitepaper or to conform these statements to actual results or revised expectations, except as required by law.
The products and services of the Company are intended for users who are at least 13 years old . Persons under the age of 13 are not permitted to use our products and services. If you are 13 or older but under the age of 18, you represent that you have reviewed the Platform Terms and Conditions on the Platform’s official website at: (“Terms & Conditions”) with your parent or legal guardian to make sure that you and your parent or legal guardian understand and agree to these Terms & Conditions. 

The Company shall be entitled to enforce all legal rights available against users of the Platform, notwithstanding that such users are under the age of 18 or the minimum age of contracting wheresoever the user is located.
Privacy Policy
By using the Platform, you agree to your personal data, (i.e., your e-mail address, name, address and other details personal to you and collected by the Platform) being collected, processed and disclosed in accordance with the Privacy Policy of the Platform accessible at (“Privacy Policy”)
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